Insta Empire Episode 111 – Helping Phoebe | Watch Now Don’t Miss

In this Insta Empire Episode 111, titled Helping Phoebe, Kevin’s instincts lead him to an antique shop where he uncovers a hidden treasure within a mysterious jewelry box. Tension flares as he challenges the appraisal of an expert, while Phoebe’s admiration and Lily’s jealousy simmer in the background. Can Kevin prove his expertise and win over the crowd?

In this Insta Empire Episode 111, titled Helping Phoebe, Kevin’s instincts lead him to an antique shop where he uncovers a hidden treasure within a mysterious jewelry box. Tension flares as he challenges the appraisal of an expert, while Phoebe’s admiration and Lily’s jealousy simmer in the background. Can Kevin prove his expertise and win over the crowd?

In this Insta Empire Episode 111, titled Helping Phoebe, Kevin’s plans take a sudden turn when Phoebe urgently calls him to meet her at an antique shop on Belmont Avenue. Just after buying a special ring for Lily, Kevin feels an odd pull towards this mysterious meeting, sensing the Night King’s influence.

Despite Lily’s unease and Phoebe’s interest in Kevin, the couple rushes to the shop, where tensions quickly rise. With Phoebe’s father, a skeptical antique dealer, and a suave appraiser named Walter, Kevin is thrust into a high-stakes debate over a golden jewelry box. Is Kevin’s expertise enough to prove the box’s hidden value, or will Walter and his famous mentor outshine him? Secrets and rivalry unfold in this thrilling episode, where loyalty, knowledge, and trust are put to the test. Insta Empire Episode 13: Familiar Faces

Introduction: Insta Empire Episode 111

In this Insta Empire Episode 111, titled Helping Phoebe, Kevin’s instincts lead him to an antique shop where he uncovers a hidden treasure within a mysterious jewelry box. Tension flares as he challenges the appraisal of an expert, while Phoebe’s admiration and Lily’s jealousy simmer in the background. Can Kevin prove his expertise and win over the crowd?

Episode 111: “Helping Phoebe” kicks off with a tension-filled moment that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Just after Kevin buys the dazzling Starry Sky ring for Lily, his phone rings—it’s Phoebe, urgently asking him to meet her at a mysterious antique shop. But there’s more to this than just a casual meet-up. Kevin’s instincts tell him something bigger is at play, something that might even involve the enigmatic Night King.

Lily isn’t thrilled by Phoebe’s request, especially given Phoebe’s obvious interest in Kevin. Yet, against her better judgment, Lily agrees to join Kevin. What awaits them at the antique shop on Belmont Avenue is far more than they bargained for—a heated standoff over an ancient jewelry box worth millions. Kevin, caught between the expertise of Phoebe’s father, Truman Anderson, and the smooth-talking Walter Beckett, must prove his rare talent in appraising antiques.

But is Kevin prepared for the unexpected twists ahead? When Walter calls in his world-renowned mentor, Tristan Gabriel, the stakes are raised even higher. One wrong move, and Kevin risks more than just his credibility—he could lose Phoebe’s trust, and possibly something much more valuable.

Will Kevin’s instincts guide him through this high-stakes gamble, or is he about to make the biggest mistake of his life? Dive into Episode 111, where every decision could tip the scales—and reveal long-buried secrets

Insta Empire Episode 111 Full Episode

Right after Kevin bought the Starry Sky ring for Lily, he got a call from Phoebe. She wanted him to meet her right away at an antique store on Belmont Avenue. Sounded very urgent.

Kevin had an odd but very strong feeling that the Night King wanted him to go there. Phoebe asked you to help her? Lily didn’t seem very pleased with the idea. She could easily understand the way Phoebe looked at Kevin.

After all, he was very handsome. But that didn’t mean she should let down her guard. She wants me to check out an antique and I really think that it’s important.

Kevin had an unusually serious expression on his face. Then let’s go there right away. Plus, that’s a really good street for antiquing.

Lily took Kevin’s hand and they left the jewelry store in a hurry. Belmont Avenue was just north of The Loop in downtown Chicago. There were a lot of interesting antique shops all along the street and Lily was hoping to have some time to look around.

After Kevin and Lily parked, they walked quickly to the shop where Phoebe was waiting. As they passed the other shops, they could see a lot of interesting items in the windows. One of them even had a display that looked like a 1950s kitchen, including appliances.

Lily thought it looked really chic with the pastel blue-green cabinets and salmon fridge. When they entered the shop on the corner to meet Phoebe, a large group of collectors was already there having a loud discussion. Kevin and Lily squeezed into the middle of the crowd and found Phoebe standing next to her father at the counter.

Truman Anderson was negotiating with a middle-aged man in a three-piece suit. What’s going on? Kevin glanced at the jewelry box on the counter and frowned a little. Kevin, you’re finally here.

Phoebe smiled when she saw him. Phoebe’s reaction made both her father and Lily extremely unhappy. Have you discovered something unusual? Kevin asked with a smile.

Here’s what’s going on. The owner of this shop has been a good friend of my father’s for many years. He recently got this antique jewelry box, so he asked my father to come over and take a look.

Phoebe smiled a little as she told Kevin the reason she’d invited him along. You know how my father is. He can’t walk away from a good deal.

However, my father can’t tell whether this thing is real or fake, so I called you. Before Kevin could reply, the man standing next to Phoebe asked, Who’s your friend? This is Kevin. Phoebe hesitated a little.

He’s a good friend of our family and we trust his opinion a lot. Then she turned to Kevin. This young man is Walter Beckett.

Hello. Kevin immediately reached out to shake the man’s hand. Since Phoebe called you, that means you must know something about appraisal.

A look of disdain flashed in Walter’s eyes. Kevin didn’t answer his question, but instead turned his attention to the gold box on the counter. It had carvings of birds and flowers on all of its sides and on the lid.

What are you doing here, Kevin? Truman Anderson was in an especially bad mood. Whenever Truman saw Kevin or even heard his name, he thought about that awkward moment when he’d walked into his home and seen his daughter and her friends tied up. He still held Kevin responsible for it.

Phoebe called me over to take a look. Kevin reached out and touched the box and he furrowed his brow as he studied the low relief decorations. Walter, what do you think about this item? Truman ignored Kevin and spoke directly to the young man who was standing next to Phoebe.

Truman, even though the piece is very beautiful, I just don’t think it’s worth the price. I think you should be very careful. Walter spoke very smoothly.

He didn’t try to persuade Truman to buy it, but he also didn’t tell him not to buy it. But Truman trusted him anyway. What Kevin didn’t know was that Walter Beckett was here with Phoebe mainly because of him.

Ever since the last time Kevin saw her, Phoebe had spent her days languishing at home, not really interested in anything. It made Truman sad to see his daughter like that. As far as Truman was concerned, Kevin was a bad influence.

His only redeeming quality was his ability to appraise antiques. So he asked Mr. Jordan, the store owner, to invite Walter to come to Chicago and then get in touch with his daughter. What’s the seller asking? Kevin raised an eyebrow and looked up from the box.

Two million dollars? Phoebe stared at Kevin as she answered his question. Yes, it’s worth it. You should take it.

Kevin nodded his head in approval. Kevin, are you serious? Although Truman didn’t like Kevin anymore, he still trusted his opinion on antiques. Of course I’m serious, Kevin replied firmly.

In fact, he had more to say, but he didn’t want to talk about it in front of so many people. Two million was a lot to spend, but Truman thought that he could double his money if Kevin was right. That’s ridiculous.

Walter sneered at Kevin. Do you really know anything about antiques? While the decorations are very interesting, there’s not enough gold just based on weight to justify a price like that. Beckett continued.

On top of that, there isn’t a lot of detail in the flowers. It’s barely worth two hundred thousand dollars, let alone two million. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

The people who had gathered around them seemed to agree with his comments. One of them even whispered very loudly, I wouldn’t expect any less from one of Mr. Anderson’s friends. He’s a perfect match for Phoebe.

Phoebe was visibly upset when she heard these comments. She was afraid that Kevin would take it the wrong way. The store’s owner, Mr. Jordan, also looked distressed.

He’d gone through a lot of time and expense to get this antique jewelry box, and now it looked like he might stand to lose a lot of money on it. But he also knew that Walter was an expert appraiser, and there was nothing wrong with what he said, so he couldn’t challenge him on it. Truman nodded slightly and spoke to Mr. Jordan.

My friend, I think Walter’s right. Perhaps we should hold off on this purchase. Wait a minute.

Kevin suddenly interrupted them. Truman, if you don’t buy this item, you’re making a big mistake. Truman sighed when he heard Kevin say this.

I know you have extraordinary potential in antique appraisal, but you’re still young and don’t have enough experience. You can still make mistakes, but Walter is different. He’s had intensive training and has a lot more experience than you do.

The onlookers agreed with Truman’s comments and nodded their heads in approval. They’d never even seen Kevin before, so how could he come in here and tell everyone what to do? So you’re just going to take his word over mine? Kevin joked. It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that I believe Walter more.

When Truman finished speaking, he looked over at Walter. After all, Walter was his future son-in-law. He had to show him some support in front of all these people.

Truman, you really ought to take my advice. If you buy this, you’ll make a lot of money. Kevin smiled as he tried to change Truman’s mind.

Why is this little box worth two million dollars? Walter scoffed. Because it’s not just a gold jewelry box. It’s gilded ivory, Kevin replied casually.

As soon as he said this, the whole shop suddenly became silent. Except Lily. Everyone there was an expert in antiques.

They understood where he was going with this. Just take a look underneath. You can see a bit that wasn’t covered in gold leaf.

Of course, it doesn’t make sense to cover valuable ivory with gold, but someone decided to do that. Kevin looked over at Walter and could see that he was a little uneasy. The onlookers still weren’t completely convinced.

After all, maybe Kevin was just trying to impress Phoebe by refuting Walter’s opinion on the object. One of them even scolded Kevin. You really expect us to believe that? Leave the discussion to the real experts.

Truman looked a little embarrassed as he stood there and listened to Kevin. He still didn’t understand how the box could be worth so much more than Walter had said. While it had been illegal to trade in modern ivory objects since the early 70s, antiques were usually grandfathered in and completely legal.

But that still didn’t explain why the box had been covered in gold leaf. Honey, are you sure you’re right? Lily asked in a worried whisper. Don’t you believe me? Kevin answered softly.

Then how can you explain this? Walter looked at Kevin like he was some kind of fool. Why the heck would someone take a valuable antique and change it so that its value would actually decrease? That’s a very good question. A gold jewelry box would have some value, but it wouldn’t be worth a small fortune.

Kevin explained as he picked up the delicate object. But did any of you actually test the gold? Then Kevin walked nonchalantly behind the counter and took a bottle of rubbing alcohol in a rag. What do you plan to do with that? Walter looked both irritated and confused at the same time.

Just watch and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Kevin couldn’t help smirking a little. What happens when you wipe cheap gilding with rubbing alcohol? The whole antique shop fell quiet.

You could have heard a pin drop. Kevin put some alcohol on the cloth and wiped away the gold color from one of the corners, revealing a beautiful ivory box with incredible detail. The light coat of gold leaf had obscured a lot of the original artist’s work.

How do you explain this? Walter was still challenging Kevin, but he knew it wasn’t going well for his own appraisal. It’s very simple. Kevin turned to look at Mr. Jordan, who was standing there with his mouth hanging open.

Then he asked, Did you buy this from someone who’d imported it back in the 80s? How did you know? Mr. Jordan asked in shock. Kevin explained. In order to sneak this piece into the country, someone covered the ivory with a cheap coating of gold leaf.

That wasn’t really necessary for an antique, but they probably didn’t know how old or valuable it actually was. While Kevin spoke, he took out a needle and heated it with a flame. Then he touched the underside of the box and continued to explain.

It eventually ended up in the hands of a collector, but they had no idea that this is genuine ivory. You can see how there’s a tiny scorch mark and you can actually smell the ivory a little. Whoever sold this to you knew that it was a 14th century French piece, but they never checked to see what it was really made of.

They were all amazed at Kevin’s explanation and began to see that his appraisal was probably correct. If you buy this box, Truman, you definitely won’t lose any money on the deal. Kevin put the box back on the counter and everyone began to admire it in a new way.

You really know your stuff! Mr. Jordan was very grateful to Kevin and gave him a thumbs up. If Kevin hadn’t been here that day, he would have taken Walter’s advice and lost the $500,000 that he had originally spent on the item. All the antique experts in the room were astonished at Kevin’s knowledge.

They started to feel sorry for criticizing him just a few minutes before. Hang on, Truman. I’ll make a quick video call and get my teacher Tristan Gabriel to help you sort this out.

Walter pulled out his phone to make the call. Is this young man a student of Tristan Gabriel? They all began to wonder. They couldn’t believe that one of Gabriel’s students was there with Truman Anderson.

He was one of the world’s most foremost experts on antiques. Walter could hear what they were all whispering to each other and it boosted his ego a little, especially since Kevin had just shown him up. Walter knew that Phoebe was still interested in Kevin.

If his mentor put Kevin in his place, that would certainly make him look a lot better in her eyes. Soon the video call was connected and the face of a thin elderly man appeared on the screen. Walter, aren’t you supposed to be in Chicago right now? Why are you calling me again? Gabriel’s voice was a little harsh sounding.

Sir, I just appraised an antique jewelry box, but someone here said that it’s worth ten times more than my estimate. Walter explained simply, What? Can you show it to me? Tristan was excited to see what his student was talking about. Nobody in the store could believe that Walter was able to get in touch with his renowned expert so quickly.

It was very impressive. They’d all heard of Tristan Gabriel, but it was rare to see him in person, even on a video call. While everyone kept whispering to each other, Walter pointed his phone camera at the box on the counter.

After a moment, everyone heard Gabriel’s voice booming out of the phone’s speaker. Haven’t you learned anything from me? Don’t you know what this is? No one had expected him to be so grumpy. But what they really wanted to know was what this expert’s appraisal was.

Who was right, Walter or Kevin?

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Insta Empire Episode 13: Familiar Faces

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Insta Empire Episode 112 – Lily Learns More about Kevin | Watch Now Don’t Miss

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