This is Insta Empire Kevin Williams Full Story, Insta Empire Episode 1680. Let’s see what really happened after Kevin and his men defeated the pinnacle.
You might want to ask who DK (Dark Kevin) is in this Insta Empire Episode 1680; if you don’t know, that means you haven’t been following the Insta Empire Full Story. Kindly see the Insta Empire Full Movie here if you want to.
DK is Kevin’s doppledanger. Sounds funny, huh?
That is why you should not miss any of the Insta Empire Full Movie.
Let’s get started.
Insta Empire Episode 1680

After Apex island crashed into Lake Superior, the pinnacle lost its stranglehold on worldwide communications.
Kevin’s team sent out anti brainwashing messages across the planet and freed the foundation from the pinnacle’s thrall.
Kevin raced to rejoin Lilly at the Chicago mayor’s mansion and met the Night King on the front steps.
The Night King congratulated Kevin and had one last piece of advice to give.
But then the Night King was killed by Kevin’s evil doppelganger, DK.
Kevin stared at the body of his mysterious mentor, the Night King, lying at his feet.
Then he looked up at the Night Kings murderer, Kevins nemesis and mirror image DK, who stood at the top of the front steps of the mayors mansion.
DK smirked back at Kevin and flicked the blood from his day dagger, the weapon he had used to kill the Night King.
Kevin and DK were identical in looks, though DK dressed in all black designer clothes, while Kevin preferred his modest dockers and kets.
DK’s hair flopped into his eyes in a way that was somehow intentional and cool, whereas Kevin’s hair just looked in need of a trim.
Likewise, DK’s powers had kept pace with Kevin’s.
They were both now powerful level nine experts, and so equally matched, neither had ever come out to clear Victor in a fair fight.
I hoped you had gone down with the rest of the pinnacle scum on Apex Island, Kevin declared.
DK: I’m not the kind of leader to go down with his ship, Kevin. You should know that about me. I’m the leader who lives to fight and win another day. Or, in this case, later the same day.
Kevin had been astounded to find that his dark flip side had clawed his way up through the ranks of the pinnacle in record time and taken over the evil organization.
Although Kevin had sunk apex island into Lake Superior and freed the foundation from the Pinnacles brainwashing, DK was now standing at the door of the home where Lilly and their unborn babies were.
He was between Kevin and everything that mattered most to Kevin in the world.
You haven’t won anything yet, Kevin challenged.
Tell that to the Night King.
DK smirked at the body of Kevin’s mentor.
Too bad he didn’t have the chance to give you that last piece of advice.
It might just have saved your…
Kevin didn’t give DK a chance to finish gloating.
He hurled himself up the stairs of the mayor’s mansion and seized hold of his evil double.
Engaging all his newly developed telekinetic abilities, he launched them both up into the sky as they flashed by the upper stories of the mayor’s mansion, Kevin caught a glimpse of Lily’s anxious face.
Watching them through the window, he sent her a silent message of love and devotion before turning his attention back to his foe.
Twisting and tumbling over each other in midair, the two men fought and grappled with their evenly matched bodies.
DK was intent on doing as much damage to Kevin as possible, but Kevin only wanted to get DK as far away from Lily as he could.
DK broke free of Kevin, but Kevin grabbed DK by one designer loafer and swung him around.
Using centrifical force, Kevin slammed DK into the side of a skyscraper.
The window shattered as DK’s body punched through the glass.
Kevin just had time to draw his night dagger before DK came zooming back out.
Fancy clothes and shreds in his day dagger in his hand.
But instead of using the dagger, DK sent a ferocious blast of red-leveled energy directly at Kevin.
Kevin deflected it with his night dagger, but the force sent him tumbling through the air over Chicago.
Kevin righted himself over the dome of superglass surrounding the world’s fair.
The dome was still sending out the images Kevin had crafted to counteract the pinnacle’s brainwashing.
A mystical eye broke in chains, and a soaring eagle.
Kevin sent blasts of his blue leveled energy back at DK, only to find DK had disappeared.
Kevin looked around wildly for his dark doppelganger.
Suddenly, DK came smashing down on Kevin from above.
Kevin realized DK meant to bash him into paste against the nearly indestructible superglass.
Fortunately, Kevin had a complete understanding of the dome’s construction, including its weaknesses.
Kevin directed a blast of power at the dome’s weakest part.
Thanks to the blast, Kevin and DK crashed through the dome.
Instead of being smashed to bits against it, they went falling and tumbling down into the fairgrounds below.
Kevin’s clothes were now as tattered as DKs, and he knew hed nearly exhausted his telekinetic flying abilities.
He suspected that DKs would nearly be drained too.
The two foes would have to finish their battle on the ground.
Kevin seized the upper hand and sent a blast of leveled energy in DK’s direction.
DK threw himself flat, just as Kevin had hoped.
The blast instead hit a pirate ship carnival ride.
Blowing the boat off its suspension and sending it crashing down at DK.
At the last second, DK rolled over and blasted red-leveled energy up at the boat. It exploded into fragments and dust. The debris rained down on Kevin and DK as they faced off again.
Night and daydaggers drawn and gripped in their angry hands.
DK let out a roar and charged Kevin.
Kevin wasn’t able to duck out of the way fast enough.
Instead, Kevin grabbed DK and channeled their momentum around.
The two went flying into a funnel cake kiosk.
Funnel cake mix and oil went up everywhere, coating both combatants in thick muck.
Kevin tried to rub the sticky mixture from his face, but DK was already on him.
The two went down in a flurry of devastating kicks and punches.
The damage they did to each other was horrific, and horrifically equal.
Neither Kevin nor his evil foe could get the upper hand.
They broke apart briefly.
Kevin could feel DK gathering all of his powers for one final attack.
Kevin did the same, reaching into the deepest part of himself and drawing on every ounce of his training, power, and abilities.
Kevin and DK launched their fiercest blows yet, sending blinding rays of blue and red energy at each other from their daggers.
The energies met, clashed, and exploded outward.
Kevin and DK were sent flying backward.
Both daggers clattered to the ground.
Kevin was dazed by the force of the blow.
He knew he had to move, but for a moment, his limbs wouldn’t obey his will.
At last, he rolled over and blinked his blurry eyes.
Dimly, he could see where the daggers lay on the far side of the world’s fair plaza.
They still smoked and sizzled from channeling so much incredible power.
Instinctively, Kevin knew that his night dagger was his only hope of defeating DK.
He had to reach his weapon before DK could reach his own.
Kevin tried to stand, but found that he couldn’t, so he crawled.
His night dagger was almost in his hand.
He reached out to grab it, only to be knocked away as DK grabbed him and shoved him aside.
No, you don’t, DK growled.
You’ve had your chance, Kevin Williams.
You’ve lived an entire lifetime, and what have you done with it?
Kevin, self-made billionaire, herbal master, antique expert, and the youngest person to ever achieve level nine…
looked up at his dark doppelganger and croaked out ‘seriously!’
You could be ruling worlds, snarled DK.
You could be creating worlds.
You could be the most powerful being in the universe.
But instead, you spend all your time running around trying to save a foundation that’s too weak and pathetic even to try to save itself.
Everyone’s gotta have a hobby.
Kevin gasped and tried to reach a few more inches toward the daggers, but DK saw the movement and punched Kevin in the face.
You can keep your pathetic little hobbies, DK growled.
I want a life—a real life—and not just one skulking through shadows, not just being a reflection of someone as weak and soft hearted as you.
Kevin, once you’re gone, I’m stepping into the light and taking over everything you have.
Your money, your position, your power, and most of all, your wife and children.
NO! Kevin gasped out at DKS last words.
He struggled under DK, but DK punched him again.
Kevin’s skull bounced off the pavement, and he saw stars.
Yes, DK hissed
I’m going to cut your throat with my day-dagger, and then everything you have will be mine.
Somehow, Kevin found the strength to throw DK off and deliver a few blows of his own.
The two rolled over and over through the debris of the Worlds fair, smashing into more exhibits and bringing them down.
Everything was dirt and dust and confusion.
Both men were so filthy and bruised that Kevin could hardly recognize his face in DK’s own, but their melee eventually brought them close to where their daggers had landed.
I think you’re looking for this… A voice over their head said harmoniously
That is the end of Insta Empire Episode 1680.
Next one is Insta Empire Episode 1681
Did Kevin get to the Upper realm?
What happeed at the upper clash?
Why did Dalton acted so cruely against Kevin, while he was away?
Does anyone know if Kevin ever tells Lily his secret that he’s the CEO of Williams Media and that he’s rich and if so what episode does he do it on?
These and many more questions will be answered when you have access to the Insta Empire full movie here.