In this Insta Empire Episode 1681, will Kevin resist the evil doppelganger’s influence or succumb to darkness? Find out in the rest of Insta Empire Episode 1681!
You can listen to all the episodes at once here. This Insta Empire Episode 1681 will make you to ask “Does insta Empire have an ending?” Oh! yeah! It does. It ends at Episode 1682.
This Insta Empire Episode 1681 is titled: Lily Chooses
In this Insta Empire Episode 1681, Lily was hugely pregnant and at her most vulnerable, defies everyone to help Kevin in his final battle. With newfound powers, she grabs the night and day daggers, unknowingly fusing them into a double-bladed weapon. Torn between two identical Kevins, Lily uses her heart to choose the right one. In a shocking twist, the defeated DK possesses Kevin, but Lily’s love proves stronger, forcing the evil out. The battle ends, but a new challenge arises – Lily’s about to give birth!
Let’s see what really happened in Insta Empire Episode 1681.
Insta Empire Episode 1681

In this Insta Empire Episode 1681, will Kevin resist the evil doppelganger's influence or succumb to darkness? Find out in the rest of Insta Empire Episode 1681! Listen now to Insta Empire Episode 1681 to learn whose voice we heard last in Insta Empire Episode 1680. Don'tmiss.
URL: https://themarketerpro.com/
Author: Kevin Wagner
Insta Empire Episode 1681 – Lily Chooses

The Night King congratulated Kevin on his long-planned defeat of the pinnacle and had one last piece of advice to offer his protege.
But then the Night King was killed by Kevin’s evil doppelganger, DK.
A terrific battle broke out between the equally matched pair.
Kevin and DK wound up dirty, tattered, and bruised in the middle of the half destroyed world’s fair.
Reaching for their daggers, which were somehow suddenly missing, Kevin and DK stared up at the person who had just retrieved both the day and night daggers.
The weapons had still been smoking from the tremendous leveled power that had been sent through them, but the person held them easily.
Lily, Kevin whispered, half relieved, half terrified for her safety. It was Lily holding the daggers.
She was hugely pregnant at nine months, with their twin babies splay-footed and looking more beautiful than Kevin had ever seen her.
She held a dagger in each hand throughout her pregnancy, and with Kevin’s own children in her womb, Lily had developed leveled powers of her own and apparently was unaffected by the dagger’s heat.
Lily had seen the confrontation between Kevin and DK on the steps of the mayor’s mansion.
She had watched the two identical men soar into the air to begin their final battle from an upper window.
Her heart was filled with dread for Kevin’s safety, and she knew this time she couldn’t possibly sit around waiting to see what happened.
Her beloved Kevin needed her.
Of course, the others didn’t want to let her go.
She was supposed to be on bedrest.
She was supposed to give birth any day now.
But she shoved aside anyone who tried to stop her, even her own mother, Dorothy.
At the front doors of the mayor’s mansion, Dalton Steele had physically blocked her way.
Dalton: Lily, you can’t go out there, Dalton declared. Pregnancy is clouding your judgment. Kevin gave us orders to protect you.
Lilly: I don’t care what your orders were, Lilly shot back. My judgment is perfectly fine. I’m going to help my husband.
Dalton crossed his arms and planted his feet. The man was as big as a mountain.
Dalton: I won’t let you leave, he growled.
Lilly: Then this is for your own good, too, Lilly declared.
She felt within herself for the strange abilities that had been growing since she had become pregnant with Kevin’s children.
She channeled it up and threw her down into her fist.
Then she punched Dalton Steele’s lights out.
She caught him as the big man slumped unconscious and lowered him to the ground.
Lily: Sorry, Dalton, she apologized. But theres something I have to do and no one can stand in my way.
Then she ran out of the mayor’s mansion before anyone else tried to stop her, and she had to hurt them as well.
It was easy enough to trace the path of Kevin and decays destruction across the city to the world’s fair.
Fortunately, as mayor, Lilly had complete access to the fair and followed the sound of their battle to the fair’s main plaza.
By the time she got there, it looked like a war had been fought.
Exhibits and rides were smashed to pieces.
The air was full of dust and debris.
The two men were still viciously battling each other and were so filthy and battered it was impossible to tell them apart.
She was distracted from the fight by the two glowing, smoking daggers nearby.
Something about the blades called to the budding power within Lilly.
She bent down and picked them up.
She hardly noticed as the fight brought the two men practically to her feet.
They both reached for the place the daggers had been but couldn’t find them.
They hadn’t even noticed her at all.
Lilly: I think you were looking for these, she announced.
Kevin and DK: You shouldn’t be here, both men said at once.
The daggers were calling out to her, demanding she bring them together.
Lily obeyed the impulse, but she didn’t cross the daggers the way Kevin and DK had done again and again.
Instead, she faced the blades away from each other and brought the hilts together.
Instantly, the two daggers fused into one double bladed weapon.
The three of them stared in awe, night and day brought into one.
DK: Darling, give me the blade. Give the blade to your husband.
Kevin gaped at DK in astonishment.
Lily also stared at the two men.
For the life of her, she couldn’t tell them apart.
She could feel the double dagger wanting to go to both of them equally.
Lily, don’t listen to him.
Kevin: I’m your husband, the other man pleaded, his voice little more than a whisper.
Lily looked from one to the other, confusion clear on her face.
The first man sat up and looked up at her with big, begging eyes.
DK: You know you’re carrying my children. Feel my love for you, my darling. It’s like the sun, always there, always bright and shining. It’s real and true and pure. Together, we can do anything, accomplish anything, be anything. You know we can’t stand to be apart. And every minute away is like a thousand years. Please, my love, give me the dagger and this will be over and we can be together forever.
Lily felt the dagger tug at her hand.
It wanted her to give it to this man.
But Lily looked at the other man.
He had taken the worst of the fight and couldn’t even sit up.
He could only stare at her with warm, hopeful eyes.
Lily was the only word he said before the other man cut him off.
I’m your husband, darling.
Lily looked from one to the other, and warm certainty bloomed in her heart.
Lilly threw the double dagger.
It tumbled through the air and landed directly in Kevin’s hand.
The other man, the one with all the pretty words and dead eyes, snarled at Lily.
He lunged for her, but his attack in words were cut off when Kevin plunged one end of the double dagger into his chest.
DK’s eyes went wide with surprise.
He turned on Kevin, and then he laughed.
The sound sent a shiver up Kevin’s spine.
You think you’ve killed me?
You don’t know what you’ve done.
DK suddenly turned to a black, oily smoke that disappeared into the double dagger and raced directly into Kevin’s arm.
Kevin fell back from the shock.
He could feel decay inside him trying to take over, whispering to Kevin’s darkest, weakest urges.
DK wanted Kevin to go out, to quell and kill and conquer, to use all his extraordinary abilities for his own glory and power, to slay his enemies and enslave those weaker to his will.
He was so tired of fighting and racing to save the foundation.
He could keep the foundation safe if he just took it over.
That would be so much simpler, so much easier.
Maybe Kevin should do that.
He felt a cool, loving hand on his filthy, battered face.
Kevin opened his eyes and saw Lily staring down at him.
That was all he needed to resist temptation.
Kevin shoved DK away from himself, forcing his evil doppelganger out of his body and back through the double dagger.
The black smoke poured from the blade.
When it hit the air, it turned to shards of obsidian mirror, the mirror that had birthed decay in the first place.
They hit the pavement harmlessly and shattered into dust.
The double dagger broke apart in Kevin’s hand.
The night and day daggers were two separate weapons again.
Impossibly near the end of his strength, Kevin fell back.
He had faced down his dark self and worst impulses, any persons greatest challenge.
Lily, Kevin whispered as Lilly dug into his trusty satchel of herbal remedies and found a few recovery pills.
She held the pills to his mouth and helped him sip water to swallow them.
How did you know it was me?
Kevin wondered, feeling the pills take effect and new strength in his body.
He was able to sit up and take her into his arms.
It was your eyes, Lily whispered into the crook of Kevins neck.
I saw the love in your eyes, Kevin.
The same love that’s been there since the first day I met you.
There was nothing in DK’s eyes.
Lily, youre the most amazing, loving, beautiful Lily cut him off with a strange grunt of pain.
Suddenly, they both were sitting in a puddle of something.
Lily looked up at Kevin with wide, scared eyes.
She broke off as a contraction ripped through her body.
Kevin, the babies are coming now.
Don’t miss the epic series finale, Insta Empire Episode 1682. Listen Now
Insta Empire Episode 1681

Director: Kevin Wagner
Date Created: 2024-06-29 15:35