Don’t miss this Insta Empire Episode 661, titled Athena. (Kevin is really preparing for the epic clash)
Kevin had seen his fair share of battles, but nothing could have prepared him for what he stumbled upon in his new penthouse. The massive, sun-drenched room that would soon become his ultimate training ground had been a lucky find, but what he planned to create there would be far more than just a gym.
With enemies lurking and a war on the horizon, Kevin knew he needed to push himself beyond his limits. A sparring partner unlike any other was the answer. Enter Athena—a human-like hologram designed to outsmart him, fight with unmatched skill, and take on any form he could imagine. It wasn’t just about survival anymore. For Kevin, the challenge was simple: to become unbeatable, he would have to face the fiercest, most unpredictable opponent ever created. And the countdown to his first battle with Athena had already begun.
Get ready for a fight like no other in this electrifying episode of Insta Empire!
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Insta Empire Episode 661 Intro
This is Insta Empire Episode 661, Titled: “Athena”
Kevin had faced killers before, but nothing like this. Standing in his penthouse, surrounded by the ultimate battleground he had just designed, he felt the weight of the war looming ahead. His enemies were growing more dangerous by the day. Now, to prepare for what was to come, Kevin would need something — or someone — more lethal than any assassin. Enter “Athena,” a virtual opponent unlike any fighter he’d ever encountered. Programmed to push him beyond his limits, Athena’s presence wasn’t just training… it was survival.
Let the battle begin.
For Full episodes kindly check: https://selar.co/insta-empire-full-episode/
Insta Empire Episode 661 Full Story
Kevin started scoping out the huge office he had bought. He owned the entire top floor of the building and so far had only explored the laboratory and the wing where his personal office was. Now that Lily and Olivia were busy planning Lily’s new charity, and Larry was in the lab with all of the healing arts students, Kevin could focus on himself.
He had felt weak after his battle with the assassin that the Kesslers had sent after him, and even more so at their compound when a dozen assassins attacked him at once. If Brett Stewart had been right, if there really was a war looming on the horizon between Kevin’s allies and enemies, Kevin would have to put himself in peak physical condition for it. The best way to do that would be to win the epic clash and gain entry into the upper realm, and if he was going to fight in the clash, he would have to train.
Kevin wandered down a hall he had not yet seen in the penthouse office, and had led down past a couple of spare offices to a dead end with one final door. When Kevin opened it, he could hardly believe his luck. No way! He stepped into a room the size of a gymnasium.
The walls were made entirely of glass, flooding the room with sunlight and giving him a spectacular view of the city around him, as well as Lake Michigan over to the east. The ceiling was two stories high, giving him ample space to build a training course. This will do nicely.
Kevin brought his laptop into the room and started designing the space, plotting out exactly what equipment he would need, how to make it, and where to position it in the space to give him the ultimate training arena. I’ll obviously need weights and strength training machines. This corner of the arena can be like any other gym.
I’ll build a track around the perimeter to run, if I can get in 20 miles a day, I’ll be able to up my endurance and practice the discipline it takes to conserve my energy, while also getting what needs to be done in battle. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Kevin started pacing off the space, measuring out how much square footage he would have for every part of the arena.
I’ll most definitely need a sparring area where I can have one-on-one battles. But I need a partner whom I can’t exhaust. One who will challenge me.
There’s no time to train the healing arts students who work for me, and I’m not sure if as their boss I should be fighting them. No, I need someone whom I can’t injure who can reach whatever level I need them to, and who will surprise me. I need to build one.
I’ll worry about that later. In the meantime, Kevin devised the design of the sparring area. It would look a little like a boxing ring, but much longer, so he and the robot fighter would be able to run to and from one another like in an actual battle.
Weapons would be lined up against the wall. Spears and daggers and stars and anything else that might be used by one of his attacking enemies. The secluded valley assassins always had tricks up their sleeves.
Why shouldn’t Kevin? He always had the night dagger on him, of course, but getting used to a couple of other tools wouldn’t hurt. I’ll also need to design a special suit to wear while I train. Something lightweight and flexible that allows me to strap weapons to myself.
I bet Dalton can help me with that. He has friends in the government who design weapons and suits for the military that can make me something. Then there were the pills and supplements he would need to keep up with himself.
His mind moved at 100 miles a minute, it always had, and by leveling up and taking power pills and his other refined medicinal herbs, he had been able to keep up with it using his body. But now he was feeling that he was in danger of being overpowered, and he would need to replenish himself to gain the latter stages of level 7. I’ll give the students instructions on how to enhance the power pill to give it longevity and take it when they’re done, Kevin decided. He placed orders for all of the equipment he would need for the gym, as well as materials to build his sparring partner and arena.
Night had settled over the city, as he could see out his many windows, and he decided a quick sleep would do him good. In the morning, we build. When Kevin woke up, he went straight to the lab and pulled Zara aside.
She was one of the Healing Arts School students that had been picked out by Wayne and Harley, the school’s heads, and she had told Kevin when they met that her background was in coding and engineering. Kevin brought her to the arena to tell her about his plans. I need to train against an opponent whose levels can be customized, who can’t get hurt or killed, or broken for that matter, and who is inexhaustible.
I need them to throw everything and the kitchen sink at me, and they need to be able to operate weapons and anticipate moves like a real fighter could. What could you do? Kevin crossed his arms as Zara started exploring the space. The main portion of the room would be dedicated to the sparring, so he let her have free reign of the place.
He would design the rest of the arena around it. I don’t think you want a physical opponent at all. You need some sort of artificial intelligence that can physically impact you, but not one that just sits in the corner like a little robot when you’re not using it.
I’m thinking of building a human-like hologram. It will be a being that can take whatever form you want it to and it will be made of light, but I can manipulate the atoms that light passes through so they can exert force on you like a person can. Does that make sense? Zara asked.
Exactly what I was thinking. So I made drafts last night for a prototype, a sort of shapeshifter that can be turned on and off like a light bulb. I knew we were on the same wavelength.
Kevin words rolled out so quickly that Zara, who was scribbling notes about Kevin’s idea, started to get a cramp in her hand. Kevin pulled some blueprints for the project out of a cabinet drawer. Do you think you could get me a first attempt at something like this by, say, tomorrow? Zara loved to take on a project that anyone else would have called impossible, and she was eager to distinguish herself at her new job.
No problem. I’ll program in all of the moves that you know, plus ones only accessible to fighters of the highest levels. I’ll create a few different forms to switch through so you can practice on opponents of different sizes.
And of course, because this thing won’t be made of actual matter, you won’t be able to break or destroy it. Just unplug it when you’re done training. Zara was grinning wide now and Kevin could see the gears turning in her head as she started to put together ways to make this happen.
Excellent. I knew you had the right background for this assignment. I won’t disappoint you, sir, said Zara, whose mind was already off and running with all she had to do in the next 30 hours.
Cool. If you need any supplies, talk to Larry or Olivia. Kevin fist-bumped her and she went back to the lab.
He taped off a large area of the floor where the sparring ring would eventually live and got to work on the rest of the gym. All of the supplies he had ordered were delivered overnight and after enlisting Amber and Mehdi to help him carry all of the boxes into the arena, Kevin got to work. He focused on the ceiling first.
Using a ladder and scissor lift, he installed monkey bars, a high ropes obstacle course, ziplines, and weapons launchers to attack him from all angles. On the back wall of the gym, he put in a series of bouldering challenges and rock walls that would train his upper body and fine-tune his mind-body connection. If he was going to be the best fighter he could be, he would have to trust his body to know what to do and push his body to trust that his brain knew what it was capable of.
Kevin then laid a track around the perimeter of the whole room for running and filled in the rest of the floor with thick, firm padding. He didn’t want to hurt himself, but it also had to feel like a realistic ground while he trained. By midday, it was time to take a break, so he checked in at the lab.
Larry, what’s the status today, my good man? Larry waved him over to the lab table he was working at. As ordered, I’m using your new formulas to up the power pill. I’ve included a few new herbs for endurance and stamina as well as advanced the muscle regenerating properties.
You’ll heal like never before and train harder for longer. Excellent. When will it be ready? Kevin squinted at the tray Larry was working on.
It’s ready now if you are. Kevin held his breath. If he was going to take this thing, it might as well be now when he could get used to the effects of it.
He can always take another down the line. He nodded and Larry handed him the pill. Side effects? Kevin asked just before popping the thing into his mouth.
Larry shrugged. Feelings of grandeur? You might be a little sore at first as the compounds settle into your muscles, but you can shake that off easily. Excellent.
Kevin popped the pill. He paused, wondering if he would feel the effects right away, but Larry shook his head. Give it a bit of time.
Think of it like a delayed-release pain medication. It’s slower to kick in, but it lasts for much longer than your average four-to-six-hour aspirin. Kevin shook his hand.
You’re a genius, Larry. Thank you. Kevin, hey, got a sec? Kevin looked around to see Zara beckoning him over to her station, where she was tinkering with a machine that looked like a video projector.
What’s up? He pulled up a stool and she swiveled her computer screen around to face him. Your design was flawless. I’m already way ahead of schedule with our fighting machine prototype.
Check it out! Zara brought up a window with countless lines of code. Do you read Python, the code language? Kevin nodded that he did and started to scan Zara’s work. Zara continued, I still have a few glitches with the memory bank.
I just can’t seem to make it remember every move it sees so it can copy those to fight back. Kevin pulled the computer on Zara’s desk toward him and typed furiously for a few moments while staring at Zara’s prototype. Lights and bells on the prototype flashed and chimed in rhythm with Kevin’s keyboard strokes.
That should do it, Kevin said as he got up from the computer to look again at the prototype that was at rest in front of him. I guess we should name my new attacker. I took the liberty of naming her Athena, Zara said.
Ah, Athena, Kevin murmured, the Greek goddess of battle strategy. This thing is Athena reimagined, a deity of its own, and she will force you to be the best fighter you can be, Zara replied as she grinned, satisfied with her creation. Kevin nodded, alright, Athena it is.
What forms will she take when we’re fighting? Zara brought up another window on her computer that looked like the character customization screen in a video game. You select her height, weight, muscle mass, gender presentation, weaponry, and fighting level. It’s like using a treadmill.
Warm up with a brisk walk, then increase the speed and elevation until you wear yourself out. Oh, and her weapons will also be made of light. You’ll be able to feel them pierce you, but you won’t be injured.
She can’t pick up actual daggers or anything. Good call. I would love to test it out today.
Let’s do it. Zara could hardly contain her excitement. Kevin brought Zara back to the area and showed her the space he had taped off for the sparring ring.
Zara went up on the scissor lift to hook up the projector machine to the ceiling, then came back down and handed Kevin a remote control that also resembled one you would use in a video game. I’ll let you do the honors, Zara said as she positioned Athena in front of Kevin. Kevin readied himself as he flipped the switch, and as Kevin prepared to face the fiercest opponent ever to cross his path.
Insta Empire Episode 701 – The Second Book | Kevin Williams Full Story
Insta Empire Episode 661 Parts
Part 1: Exploring the New Terrain
Kevin had spent weeks settling into his new penthouse office. Owning the entire top floor of the building, he had only scratched the surface of what the space had to offer. With Lily and Olivia preoccupied and Larry focused on the lab, Kevin decided it was time to focus on himself. After his intense battle with the Kessler assassins, he knew he had to get stronger. As he wandered deeper into the office, Kevin stumbled upon a room that seemed like fate had dealt him a perfect hand—an enormous space flooded with sunlight and the perfect arena for his training. His mind raced with possibilities for how to transform it.
Part 2: Designing the Ultimate Training Arena
Kevin began planning his dream training ground, plotting out the exact equipment he’d need. Strength training machines, a running track, and a sparring area were top priorities. But what he craved most was a sparring partner who could challenge him without ever tiring or being injured—a partner who could push him to his limits. If no one could train with him at that level, Kevin knew he’d have to build one.
Part 3: Enter Zara, the Engineer
The next day, Kevin enlisted Zara, a Healing Arts student with a background in coding and engineering, to bring his vision to life. Together, they conceptualized the idea of a human-like hologram—a shapeshifting, artificial intelligence being made of light but capable of inflicting physical force. It would be Kevin’s ultimate opponent, capable of mimicking real fighters, adjusting its levels, and adapting to his every move. Zara took the challenge on eagerly, her own mind buzzing with ideas. Kevin had finally found someone who could help him create his ultimate training tool.
Part 4: Athena is Born
By the following day, Zara was ahead of schedule. She introduced Kevin to Athena, a new kind of sparring partner—a light-based being whose forms and fighting styles could be customized down to the finest detail. Kevin was impressed by Zara’s innovation, knowing that Athena was unlike anything he’d ever seen. The name itself, inspired by the Greek goddess of battle strategy, hinted at the challenges that lay ahead for him.
Part 5: Preparing for Battle
As Kevin continued to build the rest of the gym, he worked with Zara to fine-tune Athena’s capabilities. Meanwhile, he also received an upgraded power pill from Larry that would enhance his stamina, endurance, and recovery time, allowing him to train harder than ever. With his new arena coming together and his ultimate sparring partner in development, Kevin knew he was preparing for something far greater than the enemies he had faced so far.
Part 6: The First Test
Finally, the moment had arrived. Kevin stood in the middle of his newly crafted arena, staring at the projector that would bring Athena to life. Zara handed him the control, and with a flick of the switch, Athena emerged, ready for battle. Kevin readied himself. The fight of his life was about to begin—not just against his enemies, but against the limits of his own strength.
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