Insta Empire Episode 700 – The Game Has Changed | Kevin Williams Full Story

Insta Empire Episode 700 – The Game Has Changed | Kevin Williams Full Story

Insta Empire Episode 700 – The Game Has Changed | Kevin Williams Full StoryIn this Insta Empire Episode 700, which is titled ‘The Game Has Changed’ As Kevin prowled through the glittering crowd at the Epic Clash dinner, the truth pills he’d slipped into the drinks were working faster than he could have imagined. Rivals openly spilled their darkest secrets, each confession revealing deeper plots to cheat, bribe, and sabotage. But the real bombshell came when Mario Kessler—Kevin’s sworn enemy—blurted out a chilling plan: he’d put a bounty on Kevin’s head.

Before Kevin could fully process Mario’s shocking admission, the evening took an even more twisted turn. Host Sean McAllister interrupted the gathering with an announcement that sent waves of panic through the room. Only one competitor would survive the competition with their powers intact. For the rest? Total ruin.

Now, with the competition hours away and every ally turning suspect, Kevin must decide who to trust in a game where the rules—and the stakes—are shifting faster than he can keep up. The only question left: will Kevin’s enemies bring him down, or will he outsmart them all in the most dangerous clash yet?

Don’t miss the full episode of Insta Empire—this is where everything changes.

Insta Empire Episode 700 Intro

The atmosphere was electric at the Epic Clash welcome event in Washington, D.C. As competitors mingled in the lavish dinner setting, their minds focused on the grueling battle ahead, Kevin Williams was working behind the scenes with a hidden agenda. Unbeknownst to his rivals, he had laced the evening’s drinks with a truth serum, hoping to expose the dirty tactics of those who planned to cheat.

But as the confessions poured in—some too wild to believe—Kevin realized he had underestimated just how widespread the deceit had become. Secrets of sabotage, bribes, and underground alliances spilled from the lips of the competitors, and even the judges had taken notice. The game had shifted dramatically, and now everyone in the room could feel it.

When the host, Sean McAllister, took the stage, Kevin could sense the tension tightening. The announcement that followed wasn’t just a twist in the competition—it was a bombshell that would change the course of the Epic Clash forever. Only one competitor would ascend to the Upper Realm, while the rest faced devastating consequences. The room erupted in chaos.

For Kevin, the stakes had never been higher. He had come here for victory, but now he had to navigate a battlefield where every player, friend or foe, was scrambling to survive a game that had changed beyond recognition.


  • Kevin Williams – The central character, determined to expose cheaters and emerge victorious in the Epic Clash. He’s using truth pills to uncover his rivals’ plans.
  • Mario Kessler – Kevin’s sworn enemy, revealed to have placed a bounty on Kevin’s head to secure his own victory.
  • Katya – Mario’s ally and Olivia’s sister, caught in the middle of the tension between Kevin and Mario.
  • Mason Zimmerman – A former enemy of Kevin who, under the influence of truth pills, reveals he wants to win over Olivia honorably.
  • Olivia – Though not directly present in this episode, she’s at the heart of the conflict between Kevin and Mason due to their shared history.
  • Sean McAllister – The host and emcee of the Epic Clash, who announces the new, brutal competition rules that turn the event upside down.
  • The Judges – A group of figures who have uncovered widespread cheating plans and now enforce the new set of competition rules.
  • Lily – Kevin’s wife, who Kevin seeks out at the end of the episode for support and to discuss the chaotic turn of events.

Insta Empire Episode 700 Full Episode

The events to welcome the Epic Clash competitors were in full swing in Washington, D.C. Kevin was milling around the competitors’ lavish dinner talking to as many people as possible to get them to admit to their cheating or plans to cheat. He had laced the communal drink supply with his truth pills, and so far people had been responding well, freely admitting to their evil plans. In fact, it had almost gone too well.

The judges had been walking around the room joining conversations, and Kevin had seen them listening to people detailing their exact plans for cheating. The judges had started fanning out, speaking to everyone individually while still keeping up the impression of casual dinner conversation. But as Kevin watched, he had seen them confer with one another as well as with the competitors.

It seemed like a larger cheating epidemic in the to be revealed. Kevin had met Olivia’s sister Katya and confirmed she would be fighting alongside the Kesslers. He had also run into Mason Zimmerman who before tonight, Kevin would have bet anything would be cheating to take him down.

He and Mason had bad blood that spanned back to the time when Mason wrongly thought Kevin had stolen Olivia’s affections. But under the influence of the truth pill, Mason had promised he was not trying to cheat. If anything, he was going to be the most noble fighter possible in hopes of winning over Olivia, for whom he had long been nursing a one-sided crush.

So that just left Mario Kessler to deal with. Kevin had Mario and Katya cornered now, and he felt they were close to disclosing their cheating plans with all these judges wandering about within earshot. Kevin had just asked Mario point-blank what his plan to cheat was, and he could see Mario fighting the truth pill in his system.

Mario’s lip quivered as he reluctantly let out the truth. I put a bounty on your head, Williams. Anyone who aligns themselves with me and helps to take you down will be rewarded with riches beyond measure.

I have contacts all over this city. You might have depleted my own fortunes, but I know there are plenty of people out there who would be glad to put up money to make sure Kevin Williams fails. Mario was spilling words so fast that Kevin could barely keep up with Mario’s thoughts, which were making him sound like a crazy man.

And now that some of these idiots might not even make it out of here with herbalism powers intact, they’re sure to be scrambling to help me destroy you. After all, the only thing worse than having no power is being poor and having no power. Mario spat at Kevin’s feet, while Katya just stared between them with her nose in the air.

Kevin was glad to know this secret, but it still wasn’t exactly the information he was looking for. He would have to be more direct with his questioning. If Mario was really fighting the truth pill, Kevin would have to paint him into a very specific corner to get a worthwhile answer out of him.

That’s not what I want to know, Kessler. I said, what are you going to do to break the rules and come out on top? How are you planning on cheating in this competition? Kevin snarled. His vengeful side was coming out now.

With the competition mere hours away, he had a lot of payback to serve Mario for all the times Mario had tried to have him killed or humiliated. Mario started to sweat, the truth bursting to be free from his lips. But before he could say anything, the host and emcee, Sean McAllister, clinked a knife on his glass from the front of the room.

Attention, everyone, attention. The room quieted as everyone ended their conversations and hushed tones and turned to face Sean. Kevin wanted to pull Mario into the next room and keep grilling him, but drawing attention to himself this early in the clash was not something Kevin wanted to do.

He already had a target on his back. Why make it bigger? The judges that Kevin had seen speaking to individuals in the room were now gathered behind Sean. Kevin felt a twitch in his stomach.

Were they going to start publicly disqualifying the cheaters? Was this the reckoning he had planned for? Sean continued, it seems that we have uncovered a great moral failing at this year’s clash. Instead of honoring this storied competition with integrity and character, a great number in this room have admitted outright to cheating in the clash. The crowd tittered with all the guests discussing this in whispers with those closest to them.

A few people looked guilty, others looked outraged and everyone was nervous. Sean shushed them again. Now, since the clash has not yet begun, no one has actually cheated yet.

But now that we know how many of you are planning to cheat, we have decided to implement a new set of rules this year. Let me be clear, I do not relish the chance to make things harder for you. You have brought this upon yourselves.

Judges, please do me the favor of telling the competitors what you have learned. One judge stepped forward. She was a small woman with tight black curls cropped close to her head, but she spoke with clarity and authority the rivaled Sean’s.

Three separate competitors have told me their sponsors have brought bribes to make the judges score them higher in each round. She stepped back and another judge stepped forward. This one was a tall thin man with a shock of white hair at the top of his head, and his voice shook like a leaf ready to fall from its tree.

I learned of several competitors who intend to disable their opponents by tampering with their herbalism supplies, giving them a worse chance to win each round. He stepped back and a third judge came forward. This one wasted no time in barking out.

That competitor there has used a combination of herbalism and alchemy to turn their limbs from human flesh and muscle to robotic machinery, making them impossible to injure or defeat. Everyone looked to where the judge was pointing, but the crowd was too dense to see specifically who they were referring to. Sean took back control of the conversation.

That competitor will of course be disqualified. As for the rest of you, please listen carefully to these new rules. While Kevin had caused this chaos by spiking the communal drinks with truth pills, he did not think that implementing new rules was altogether fair.

Why punish the honest competitors for the dishonest ones’ bad deeds? Why should he have to abide by new rules just because Mario Kessler couldn’t beat him fair and square? Even so, he listened, as instructed, while Sean read the new rules from a note card passed to him by the judges. I hereby decree that in this year’s Epic Clash, the following rules will be put in place. First, there will be only one winner.

Only the best of the best is going to ascend to the upper realm. The room immediately erupted in an outcry. Competitors from every corner of the crowd shouted out, it’s not fair.

You can’t do this. We’ve trained for years. We’ve traveled from all around the country.

You might as well call the whole thing off. Sean waited for everyone to settle down, wearing the expression of someone who used to call other people’s bluffs. He knew they weren’t going anywhere.

After a beat, he held up his hands and total silence followed. Only one winner will ascend to the upper realm. The rest of the top 10 will receive neither a punishment nor a prize, but the bottom 90 competitors will lose their herbalism powers entirely.

If Kevin thought the first outcry was big, he couldn’t even categorize the shock and horror this second rule laid down upon the room. There was a full five seconds of stunned silence before the shout started. That’s crap.

We don’t deserve this. How could you do this to us? We’ve done nothing wrong. Just disqualify the cheaters and let the rest of us compete fair and square.

Sean actually responded to this complaint. The suspected cheaters have not yet cheated within the bounds of the Epic Clash. All we have on the record is intent to cheat, and we don’t have time to conduct full investigations of every suspect before the Clash begins tomorrow.

If you no longer wish to compete, you’re welcome to leave here now. His voice echoed throughout the room, silencing everyone at once. No one moved.

Of course not. These were all the most confident and accomplished herbalists in the country. They all thought they were the best in the room, and that they would win this thing now that they had no choice.

Kevin was among them. Only he had more reason than any of them to think he would win. He would know for sure when they were in the arena, but as a level 7 fighter, he had to be one of the best warriors in there.

Sean wasn’t done. Obviously, it goes without saying that if any cheating transpires during the Clash, the guilty party will be removed from the competition and stripped of their powers. So tonight, when you’re doing your final preparations, think hard.

Is your cheating worth it? Or will you come by the winning title and the Upper Realm honestly? That’s all. Sean McAllister and the judges filed out of the room, leaving everyone else to make sense of what they had just heard. Kevin didn’t want to discuss this with Mario and Katja, so he made his way out of their bubble and toward the exit.

There was only one person he wanted to talk this over with, his wife Lily.


NEXT: Insta Empire Episode 701 – The Second Book | Kevin Williams Full Story

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Insta Empire Episode 121 to 130 | Kevin Williams Billionaire Full Movie

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