Insta Empire Episode 709 – Burton’s Flaming Palm | Kevin Williams Full Movie

Insta Empire Episode 709 – Burton’s Flaming Palm Insta Empire | Kevin Williams Full Movie

In Insta Empire Episode 709, titled “Burton’s Flaming Palm,” Kevin saves Katya from a watery death only to face new challenges in a massive coliseum. As the next round begins, contestants must craft survival pills, with clues hinting at a fire-themed task. While rivals like Mason prepare for volcanic heat, Kevin suspects the challenge may be underwater instead. Racing against the clock, Kevin’s instincts lead him to a daring, unconventional choice that could make or break his chances of advancing.

Ready for the twist? You won’t want to miss what’s behind the next door! CONTINUE READING.

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Insta Empire Episode 709 – Intro

Insta Empire Episode 709 – Burton’s Flaming Palm Insta Empire | Kevin Williams Full Movie

In Insta Empire Episode 709, “Burton’s Flaming Palm,” the tension is dialed up to the max as Kevin and his competitors inch closer to the next round of this cutthroat competition. After a dramatic escape through a watery portal, Kevin finds himself thrust into a roaring coliseum, greeted by a crowd that both celebrates and scrutinizes his every move. The stakes intensify when a new challenge is revealed—one involving the rare and mysterious Burton’s Flaming Palm.

With the clock ticking, Kevin must decide whether to follow the obvious fire-based clues or trust his instincts that the real key lies beneath the surface—literally. As the tension mounts, his rivals—including the fiercely independent Mason—are fixated on outshining him. But Kevin’s deep knowledge of herbal lore may just give him the edge.

As the final seconds tick away, contestants scramble to craft their survival pills, some faltering under pressure. When the buzzer sounds, only those quick enough move on to face the next mystery behind the door. With Kevin’s suspicions about the next challenge growing, will his gamble pay off, or will the fiery misdirections prove too hot to handle? Prepare for a thrilling mix of cunning strategy, rivalries, and unexpected twists in this pulse-pounding episode.

SEEN THIS?: Insta Empire Episode 701 – The Second Book | Kevin Williams Full Story

Insta Empire Episode 709 – Full Story

After helping under-confident Sasha feel that he was a worthy partner to him in the competition, Kevin and Sasha continued to search for the underwater portal to the next round. They heard Katya in pursuit of them in danger in the waters. Piranhas and alligators were bearing down on her, but it was Kevin who saved a shocked Katya’s life, just before he and Katya were sucked through a watery vortex.

As Kevin charged through the watery portal, he was met with thunderous applause on the other side. He looked around and saw he was in the middle of a large coliseum with hundreds of people surrounding him on raised seats. Situated in a private box with a good view of the field below, Sean McAllister, the MC, called out names as more and more contestants ran through the door.

And would you look at that, folks. Mr. Kevin Williams has made it through the door and is advancing to the next round. Not bad for someone ranked last at the opening of the clash, if I do say so myself.

As Kevin caught his breath, he looked up and saw Katya staring back at him. With sharp, intense eyes, she walked up to him and said, Thanks for saving my life, but this doesn’t change anything. Wasting no time on conversation, she quickly turned around and walked away.

Kevin let it go. He didn’t need any payback for saving her life. He would have done it either way.

Don’t mention it, he murmured to himself. Kevin looked up and saw a camera drone flying right in front of him. On a collection of huge screens hanging from the stadium ceiling like a chandelier, a close-up of his face was streaming for all to see.

Kevin was happy to see that he looked like he’d been in a tough battle and had been victorious. At the same time, the very same video was being broadcast all over the country. Watching from home, Lily and Rachel clapped their hands and cheered.

Way to go, Kevin! Lily was relieved to see him on the other side of the door, but also filled with nerves because she knew that from here on out, the challenges would only get harder. She took a deep breath and held her hand up to her chest. You got this, Kevin.

Just please remember to stay safe. Gathered in the center of the stadium, the first-round successful contestants were given a few hours to rest and recover. A team of medics weaved between them, offering assistance, and other crew members handed out hot food and cold drinks.

As Kevin sipped on a bowl of soup, he saw Mason staring him down from a nearby table. Kevin took a breath and then went over to chat with him. Hey, Mason.

Glad to see you made it through. You know, we might have more luck if we teamed up in the next round. Just something to think about.

Mason scoffed. If I want to impress Olivia, I need to do the clash on my own. If she sees me getting help, especially from you, she’ll think I’m weak.

Kevin sighed. That’s not true. If you really want to impress her, maybe you should show her that you’re capable of working with a team.

Mason shook his head. Not happening, Kev. Once I advance to the upper realm, I’ll be irresistible.

I’m going to beat you, not join you. Kevin shrugged, not wanting to start an argument. Fine.

Have it your way. I’ll see you in there. Just then, Sean McAllister’s voice came booming back through the microphone.

All right, everyone. Break time is over. It’s time to move on to the second round.

You’ll have 10 minutes to craft whatever you’d like, and then the next door will open. Here is your next clue. Kevin looked around for Sasha.

He had told Sasha to exit the arena with Mario, but it looked like he hadn’t made it in the top 80. Kevin took a moment to be grateful for all the kids’ help before focusing on the next task at hand. He had told Sasha to exit the arena with Mario, but it looked like he hadn’t made it in the top 80.

Kevin took a moment to be grateful for all the kids’ help before focusing on the next task at hand. Attached to a wire, a palm tree with bright red leaves lowered from the ceiling. Kevin recognized the species immediately.

Burton’s Flaming Palm, named after the legendary herbalist who discovered it, Howard Burton, it grows only in temperatures over 100 degrees. Could the next round take place around a volcano? 80 herbalist stations were scattered around the center of the stadium. As Kevin glanced around, he saw that most people were beginning to synthesize pills with heat-resistant ingredients.

That seems too obvious, Kevin thought to himself. I have to dig deeper. Staring up at the Flaming Palm, Kevin began to think less about the plant itself and more about the man it was named after.

Howard Burton was famously obsessed with synthesizing a pill that would allow him to breathe underwater, Kevin mused. For the last few years of his life, he experimented with thousands of recipes but could never quite crack the code. It wasn’t until 10 years after his death that his lab assistant finally solved it.

The clock was ticking. A whole minute had passed, but Kevin was still pondering his next move. Finally, he made up his mind.

I bet the next round is underwater themed. That’s the deeper hint contained in the clue. A fire round is just too obvious.

Kevin’s mind was made up. He was so certain of his conclusion that it didn’t matter to him that everyone around him seemed to disagree. Kevin reached into the drawers of his station and started searching for the ingredients that were famously used by Burton’s lab assistant.

South Pacific seaweed, powdered starfish, and yellowtail caviar. Kevin dug through the drawers and retrieved the first two ingredients but couldn’t find any yellowtail caviar. Glancing up at the clock, he saw that only seven minutes remained.

Come on, come on, come on. It’s gotta be in here somewhere. Suddenly, Kevin remembered the new book given to him by the Night King just a few days earlier.

In the very back of the book, he remembered seeing a detailed chart of ingredients that outlined how they could be substituted for another. Kevin grabbed the book from his back pocket and flipped all the way to the back. Listed in alphabetical order, he saw the entry for yellowtail caviar near the bottom.

As a substitute for yellowtail caviar, the following ingredients can be used. Yellow-spotted frog legs, Brazilian buckwheat, or blackfin barracuda scales. Having tossed them aside earlier, Kevin knew exactly where to look for the blackfin barracuda scales.

After gathering all his ingredients, Kevin tossed them into the furnace to fuse together. Three minutes on the clock, everyone. Get in those finishing touches while you still can.

It took another two minutes of waiting for the ingredients to fuse together. As Kevin scrambled to find some empty pill capsules, Mason looked over and held up a handful of frosty blue pills. Let’s see you beat this, Kevin.

I’ve got a whole handful of cooling pills to keep my blood at a healthy temperature around the volcano. After the words left his mouth, Mason slapped his forehead. Shoot.

What am I doing shouting out the answer to the clue? I shouldn’t have said that. Kevin smirked. What makes you so sure the next round is fire-themed? Mason scoffed.

Are you kidding me? Burton’s flaming palm. It’s obvious. Exactly.

Insta Empire Episode 709 – Burton’s Flaming Palm Insta Empire | Kevin Williams Full Movie

It’s too obvious. Mason looked down at his pills and felt a bit worried. Then he clasped his hand around them and looked back at Kevin with pride on his face.

Nah, you’re just trying to mess with my head. It’s a fire-themed round for sure. You’ll see.

When Kevin’s ingredients were ready to be scooped into a pill, there was only enough for one. Just then, Sean started the countdown. Five, four, three, two.

Kevin dropped his spoon-like pill filler but picked it up and completed his pill at the very last second. One. Hands down, everyone.

The contestants all stepped away from their Herbalist stations, except for number 34 who kept on scrambling to fill the last little bit of her pill. One second. I only need one more second.

A loud buzzer screeched through the air. Familiar to everyone, it could only mean one thing. I’m sorry, number 34, but hands down means hands down.

I’m afraid you’ve been disqualified. A pair of crew members appeared and dragged number 34 away, kicking and screaming. No, please, I’m sorry.

I’ll forfeit my pills, just let me stay, please. It was no use. Her screams fell silent when the crew members dragged her through a pair of doors leading backstage.

Sorry, number 34. Maybe you can come back and try again in twenty years once you’ve relearned all your Herbalist skills. As for the rest of you, congratulations.

It’s time to advance into the next round. Let’s see what’s behind door number two, shall we?

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