Insta Empire Episode 721 – A MEDIEVAL BATTLE | Watch Now

Insta Empire Episode 721, The Medieval Battle: A Deadly Dance of Herbs and Steel

Insta Empire Episode 721, The Medieval Battle: A Deadly Dance of Herbs and Steel

In the fourth round of the Epic Clash, Kevin and the remaining competitors find themselves thrust into a medieval dungeon, a place where ancient herbs and cunning battle strategies will determine their fate. But a twist awaits. The arena is not just a test of combat skills; it’s a deadly game of deception, where even the most trusted allies may betray.

Will Kevin’s herbal knowledge and quick thinking be enough to survive the treacherous dungeon and emerge victorious? Tune in to Insta Empire Episode 721 to find out!”. Get the full Episodes here.

Insta Empire 721 Intro

Insta Empire Episode 721, The Medieval Battle: A Deadly Dance of Herbs and Steel

The battle for survival had only just begun, and Kevin knew he was running out of time. After barely escaping a prehistoric death and surviving the dangers of the jungle, he now found himself thrust into a new arena—one steeped in medieval mystery. The stakes were higher than ever, with only ten competitors advancing to the final round. As Kevin scanned the eerie, candlelit dining hall, his mind raced. The cryptic clue echoed in his thoughts: “Everything is not what it seems…”

What awaits Kevin and his allies? Can he trust his former enemies, or will betrayal strike before the first sword is even drawn? Time is running out, and Kevin’s next move could mean the difference between victory and elimination.

Get ready for “A Medieval Battle,” where alliances are fragile, and nothing is as it appears.

Insta Empire Episode 721 Casts

Here is the cast list for Insta Empire Episode 721, titled “A Medieval Battle”:

  • Kevin – The resourceful and determined main character, fighting his way through intense challenges.
  • Mason Zimmerman – Kevin’s ally, who faces unexpected threats, including being taken by a pterodactyl.
  • Katja – A former enemy turned ally, now supporting Kevin after he saved her life.
  • Sasha – An ally from a previous round, who didn’t make it to the current stage.
  • Sean McAllister – The commanding MC who guides the competitors through each round.
  • Mario – A fierce competitor, still in the running for the final battle.

This episode sees Kevin and the remaining competitors thrust into a high-stakes medieval arena, where alliances shift, and the fight for survival intensifies.

Insta Empire Episode 721 Full Story

Insta Empire Episode 721, The Medieval Battle: A Deadly Dance of Herbs and Steel

In this Insta Empire Episode 721…

Kevin had nearly sacrificed his chances of winning the epic clash after Mason Zimmerman was taken away by an angry pterodactyl (a very large flying animal that lived many millions of years ago), but with the help of Katja, previously Kevin’s enemy, but now another ally who turned in her opinion after he saved her life as well during the prehistoric round. Kevin, Mason, and Katja survived their encounter with the fierce dinosaurs and made it through the door to await the next round. Kevin emerged from the prehistoric arena starting to feel drained.

He had one more power pill and one more recovery pill in his pocket, but two more rounds to make it through. All of his preparation was paying off, but he would definitely need a power boost soon. He wished he had brought some of the guarana berries from the jungle arena with him.

They would have given him another jolt of needed energy, but they were gone along with his ally from that round, Sasha, who had not made it to the following arena and was now likely stuck somewhere waiting to be stripped of his herbalist powers. Kevin felt for the kid, but so much had happened since then that he had no choice but to look forward. What would the next round be?

They had been underwater in the jungle and now catapulted back through time to when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. What could be next? Kevin almost didn’t dare to speculate.

Welcome, welcome to our top 40 competitors! The MC, Sean McAllister, boomed through the PA system. Kevin looked around and got his bearings.

He was in an antechamber not unlike the ones from the previous three rounds, only it was obvious that this room was smaller. Only 40 competitors remained after all, not as much space was needed. This room looked more like a dining hall for a large manor house.

Kevin had emerged from a door to his left and before him sat a long dining room table with dozens of chairs lined along its four sides. Each chair had a place setting in front of it, and each place setting had four or five bowls of various herbs and elements. No burners, no lab equipment, just the plain elements presented like appetizers.

Candelabras with flickering candles ran down the center of the table illuminating the room. Kevin had no idea what time it was, of course, but given the low light coming in through a few high windows, he guessed the arena was in the last rays of sunlight before dusk. Please have a seat, you’ll find a place setting with your name on it around the table, Sean continued.

Kevin and the other competitors obeyed and sat down, and within a few minutes everyone had arrived and taken their seats. Sean’s voice came back, in just a moment you’ll enter round four of this year’s Epic Clash. As usual, you will now have ten minutes to prepare for whatever you think lies in store for you.

The ingredients before you are not to be altered or toyed with, only consumed or taken with you as you see fit. Oh, and this round, thirty competitors will be eliminated. That’s right, only the top ten placements will advance to the final round.

There was muttering and whispers of disappointment at this announcement. Kevin could see people looking more desperate around the table, sizing one another up to figure their odds. This was it, anyone who didn’t pass this round would be stripped of their herbalism powers, and anyone who did make it through the round and into the top ten would be that much closer to ascending to the upper realm.

Please pay close attention, here is your clue. Everything is not what it seems, you can no longer trust your pairs or teams. In an hour’s time, no more no less, each beast will offer up their best.

Gather your sword and shield, dear knight. The time has come for a noble fight. Your time starts now.

Kevin took a quick look around the table. Mario was still there, as were Kacha and Mason Zimmerman. Those were the three Kevin thought had the best chances of beating him.

One enemy and two former enemies turned new friends, but he sized up the others as well. Without being in a battle scenario, it was difficult to read the levels of those around him, but he had come across a few of them in the previous rounds and easily bested them without any expert levels, so Kevin felt good about his odds of being victorious. He turned his attention back to the elements before him.

Some people were grinding up herbs and crushing minerals and tossing back leaves like they were shots. Others were studying them under closer scrutiny and adding drops of water or saline here or there to bend the present herbalism properties to their will. Kevin identified the things before him as sage, betony, rue, and comfrey, all staples of medieval herb gardens that did everything from take away pain to ward off poisons to heal wounds and calm inflammation.

Between that and the clue-mentioning knights, Kevin was certain they were headed right into a medieval battlefield. He stuffed his pockets with the herbs, swallowed his power pill and recovery pills, and dressed a few of his minor injuries with the herbs mashed into a paste and applied directly to his skin. He felt the medicines take effect in his body as the rest of the competitors ran out of ways to prepare.

Kevin estimated that they had maybe 60 seconds left before they were sent into the arena, but nothing was happening. He thought back to the clue. Everything is not what it seems.

Kevin studied the herbs again. The one he thought was sage was actually something else. When he looked closer, he realized it was in fact clary sage, used in medieval times as an eyewash because it was believed to make one’s vision clearer and more true.

Everything is not as it seems. The 60 seconds were surely up by now and the competitors had started to get more agitated. One even grumbled aloud, let’s get on with it, send us to the next arena.

Kevin ground up a handful of clary sage and got up from his chair. He went over to the far wall and studied it, looking for a hidden door or opening. There was nothing there at first, but he held up the powdered clary and blew it from his palm, casting it into a thick cloud over the wall.

The door appeared. Slowly at first, then all at once, a massive iron door came into being on the face of the wall. It had been there the whole time, obscured by some sort of mysticism, and the clary sage had revealed it for what it was.

Everyone behind Kevin went silent, letting him be the test subject for whatever he had just uncovered. Kevin waited another minute or two for further instruction before deciding that this was, in fact, the entrance to the arena. He grabbed the heavy door handle and pulled.

The second a crack appeared between the door and the wall, he felt a lurch in his stomach and he was sucked into the next arena. Kevin landed on all fours in what appeared to be a dungeon. It was a dark room with crumbling brick walls studded with handcuffs and chains.

An iron door faced him and by looking at it, Kevin could tell it was locked. He was in the cell with three other competitors, all of them standing up and brushing off. The portal must have taken them all inside at once.

Right away, Kevin knew he would have to defeat these three to leave the cell. He leapt into action, kicking the man nearest him in the chest and knocking him flat on his back. The next man attacked Kevin from behind, jumping up in the air to land on Kevin’s shoulders and wrap his legs around Kevin’s neck.

Kevin let the man’s momentum drag him to the ground, but he then kept moving until he had rolled on top of the attacker. He pulled some of the crushed chamomile from his pocket and blew it in the man’s face, instantly putting him into a deep sleep. The third competitor came up to him next.

Her fist cocked back for a right cross, which Kevin blocked easily, grabbing both the women’s wrists and pulling them down hard so that he could drive a knee into her ribs. Huffing, she crumbled, and Kevin left the three behind to deal with the locked door. He knew he had to act quickly, and the first thing that came to mind was one of the herbs in his pocket, the comfrey.

Studying the lock, there was not actually any sort of mechanism keeping it bolted shut. Rather, the metal had swelled in the hot dungeon air and the door couldn’t be opened. Kevin remembered that the comfrey had a property to calm inflammation.

If it worked on human flesh, maybe the door had been designed to act the same. He held the ground-up comfrey in his palm and spit into it, whipping the mixture into a paste. Gross, sure, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

He rubbed the paste onto the bars where the door met its frame and waited, breathing hard. One of the competitors behind him groaned, coming to, and Kevin blew on the door to speed things along. Finally, after an agonizing few seconds, the iron door creaked.

Kevin threw his shoulder against it and it slowly squeaked open for him. He was out. He closed the door behind him and made another paste out of the sticky cleaver stems and stuck it between the door and the frame, hoping it would paste the thing shut for good.

Kevin ran down the corridor outside of the dungeon and saw that there were cells lining the entire hallway, each holding a handful of competitors fighting to be the first out. On the far end, one cell was already open. Kevin needed to catch up.

He remembered another line of the clue. In an hour’s time, no more, no less, each beast will offer up its best. Kevin had to find these beasts as fast as possible because his life depended on it.

Insta Empire Episode 721 Summary Parts

Below is the parts and summary of what happened in Insta Empire Episode 721. Enjoy!

Insta Empire Episode 721 Part 1: The Aftermath of the Prehistoric Round

Kevin, Mason, and Katja barely survive their encounter with dinosaurs, advancing to the next arena. Kevin reflects on his drained state and limited resources, wondering what the next challenge will be.

Insta Empire Episode 721 Part 2: The Dining Hall of Deception

Insta Empire Episode 721, The Medieval Battle: A Deadly Dance of Herbs and Steel

The top 40 competitors find themselves in a medieval-style dining hall, faced with a cryptic clue and a table filled with ancient herbs. Kevin quickly realizes that everything is not as it seems, including the ingredients before them.

Insta Empire Episode 721 Part 3: Uncovering the Hidden Door

As time ticks down, Kevin deciphers the clue and uncovers a hidden door in the dining hall using clary sage. His discovery brings the room to a standstill as he prepares to enter the unknown arena.

Insta Empire Episode 721 Part 4: Into the Dungeon

Kevin is sucked into the next arena—a dark, crumbling dungeon. Faced with three competitors, he must battle his way out of the cell. Using his wits and herbal remedies, Kevin overcomes them one by one and tackles the dungeon’s challenges.

Insta Empire Episode 721 Part 5: Escape and Pursuit

With the dungeon door unlocked, Kevin races down a corridor filled with other trapped competitors. He knows he has to find the mysterious beasts mentioned in the clue, but time is running out, and the real battle is just beginning.

For Insta Empire Full movie kindly click here.

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