Shadow Billionaire Episode 1 – A Voice From the Past | Video

Shadow Billionaire Episode 1 Video – Watch Now

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Ryan Quinn stared at his phone as it lit up with an incoming call. It was a local Boston number, and it looked familiar. Hello? Hello, the voice on the other end of the line said.

Is this Ryan Quinn? Who’s calling, Ryan said. And how did you get this number? Recognize my voice? The line went silent. Finally, Ryan answered him.

Tom Harlan. So it is you, Tom Harlan said. Ryan, do you know how long I’ve been looking for you? You’re a very hard man to find.

That’s because I didn’t want to be found, and I want nothing to do with you or the people you work for. The people I work for? You mean your family, Ryan? I have a new family now, Tom, Ryan said. The Quinn family is dead to me.

Ryan, your father wants you back. He wants you to take his place and run the Quinn empire. And as proof, he’s unfrozen all of your accounts.

You have full access to your family’s fortune again. Ryan Quinn didn’t answer. Ryan, did you hear me? Tom Harlan asked.

Hundreds of billions of dollars are yours to spend as you wish. Ryan took a deep breath, then spoke slowly and evenly. I’m going to tell you exactly what I told my father two years ago.

I don’t want it. The Quinn organization was started with mob money. You can tell yourself it’s all legitimate now, but you know as well as I do that my family still kicks money back to the mob.

We fund the Mafia. Tom, the Mafia owns a piece of everything my father built, which means they own him. But no one owns me.

Please, Ryan, you need to think about it. Ryan ended the call, slipped the phone into his pocket, and walked back inside the Copley Plaza Hotel in downtown Boston. He entered the ballroom where a gala was being held honoring Todd Baker, who had just been named the youngest CEO in the history of Barrington Enterprises, one of the largest financial firms in New England.

Ryan scanned the crowd trying to find Baker, but not because he wanted to honor him. The last time Ryan had seen Todd Baker, Baker had his hands all over Ryan’s wife. What are you still doing here? A woman’s voice said from behind him.

I thought I told you to wait in the car. Ryan turned and faced his mother-in-law, Martha. Where’s Mary? He asked.

Mary is trying to take care of important business, family business, which doesn’t concern you. I am family. Martha snorted at him.

You’re no family of mine. You’re a loser, a nobody. I don’t know what my daughter sees in you, but the day you married her was the darkest chapter in my family’s history.

Ryan continued looking around the room, trying to catch sight of Todd Baker or Mary. Are you listening to me? Martha asked. Nobody wants you here.

Your job tonight was to drive us to this event and then drive us home. It wasn’t to embarrass us. Ryan stopped scanning the room and looked at his mother-in-law.

Is she with him? Is Mary with Todd Baker right now? Are they alone? I hope she is with him. If my daughter had the sense to marry Todd after they graduated from college, she wouldn’t have saddled herself with a useless bum for a husband. Ryan ignored Martha’s comments and went back to searching the room.

He spotted what he was looking for. His wife, Mary, was standing on the far end of the ballroom with her back against the wall. Todd Baker hovered over her with one hand pressed to the wall and the other hand slowly stroking Mary’s bare arm.

Martha turned and saw them too. She grabbed onto Ryan’s arm just as he started to move away. Oh no, you’re not going over there.

I told you, my Mary is discussing important business. Doesn’t look like business to me, Ryan growled. Grow up, Ryan.

This is the way the world works. Sometimes people have to make compromises. Ryan turned his focus back to Martha.

Compromises? Some creep is trying to seduce your daughter and you call that a compromise? I call it an upgrade. That creep is one of the most successful young men in all of Boston. Why do you think I arranged an invitation to this gala? I wanted my daughter to get reacquainted with Todd Baker so she could see how much better her life would be if she divorced you and got together with him.

Ryan flicked his arm out of Martha’s grasp and charged across the ballroom. Martha followed him. Hi, Todd, Ryan said as he walked up behind Todd Baker.

I’m Ryan. I believe you already know my wife. Baker turned.

Ryan looked him in the eye and stuck his hand out as Mary watched them both nervously. Baker looked down at Ryan’s hand, then back up to Ryan’s face. He didn’t shake hands.

Yes, Mary and I have just been getting reacquainted and I’m learning all sorts of interesting things about her family’s business. Ryan, Martha said, catching up to him. Didn’t I tell you to go wait in the car? What sorts of things, Ryan asked, ignoring his mother-in-law.

Baker looked Ryan up and down, sneering at his T-shirt and jeans. I’m sorry, sport. Did no one tell you that this evening’s party was a formal affair? What sorts of things are you learning? Ryan repeated.

Aw, poor Ryan. Does your wife not include you in the family’s business discussions? Not surprising, I guess. I mean, look at you.

Mary spoke under her breath. Ryan, please. It’s okay.

Everything is under control. Just do as my mother says and wait outside by the car. Ryan turned to his mother-in-law.

Martha, what is he talking about? I told you, it’s none of your business, Martha snapped at him. If my daughter married someone like Todd instead of a loser like you, maybe we wouldn’t be on the verge of losing our company. We’re about to lose the company? Ryan said.

Mother, please! Mary hissed. Baker smirked at Ryan. Don’t worry.

I won’t let anything happen to Mary’s company. He turned to Mary and looked her up and down, his eyes sweeping over her perfectly toned body and its tight-fitting dress. Mary quivered.

I mean, what are old friends for? Mary closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Whatever it was that Baker wanted from her, it seemed like Mary was prepared to give it to him. Just how bad is the situation? Ryan asked Martha.

Before Martha had a chance to answer, Baker said, About ten million dollars bad, which they need in three days, and which my company might be willing to invest, if I were to give the okay. Baker gave Ryan a condescending look. You don’t happen to have ten million dollars on you, do you, sport? Ryan glared at him.

No, I didn’t think so, Baker continued. Well, maybe you can come up with some other way to save your wife’s company. Oh, I’ve got it.

How about a bake sale? That’s what you do for your wife’s family, isn’t it? Cook and clean, that sort of thing. Martha grabbed Ryan’s arm and pulled him toward her. Do you see what we’re dealing with now, you lazy bum? Now get lost and I’ll tell you when it’s time to bring the car around.

Several people had started to gather around, listening in on their conversation. A few of them pointed at Ryan and began to giggle. Ryan felt his cheeks get hot.

All he could think about was punching Baker in his perfect teeth. Instead, he turned around and headed for the exit. Finally, Martha said.

Ryan walked back outside, pulling his phone out and redialed the last incoming call. Tom Harlan picked up on the first ring. Ryan, I didn’t think I’d hear from you again.

All right, Tom, I’m in, but I’ve got three conditions. Name them, Tom said. One, I’m not coming home.

Not yet. I want to stay with my wife and her family. Wait, you’re married? Tom Harlan said in surprise.

Tom? Yes, of course. Done. Condition two, until I’m ready to come back, I get to spend the family’s money any way I see fit.

No questions asked. Agreed, Tom said. And three, no one outside of our family’s inner circle is to know I’ve got this money.

I don’t want anyone finding out that I’m a billionaire. Why? I have my reasons. After a beat, Tom replied.

Okay, Ryan, whatever you say. Tell me something, Tom. Why does my father really want me back? Tom Harlan paused for a moment, then said, The truth is, Ryan, your father’s been very sick.

Cancer. Cancer? Is he? Ryan’s voice trailed off. He’s okay, Ryan.

The chemo worked. The cancer is gone, and the doctors believe he’ll make a full recovery. Ryan slumped against the wall of the building and let out a deep sigh.

But it made him realize just how wrong he was to cut you off, Tom continued. I know you and your father have had your disagreements, but now he wants you to come back and take over the Quinn Empire like he’d always planned. So he had a big change of heart, huh? Yes, Ryan, he did.

Ryan shook his head. I don’t buy it. My father doesn’t have a heart.

Tom Harlan’s voice grew serious. I’ve known your father for over 30 years. He’s not the man you make him out to be.

Yes, he has made some hard decisions in his life, but everything he did, he did out of love for his family. Ryan snorted. Believe what you want, Ryan, but that’s the truth.

Declan Quinn knows he’s not going to live forever, and he wants you to step up and be the man he raised you to be. The line went silent as Tom’s words sunk into Ryan’s ears. Fine, Ryan said.

Just keep your phone on the rest of the night. I’m going to need your help with something. My phone is always on for you, Ryan.

Okay. And Ryan? Tom said. Yeah? It’s good to have you back.

Ryan hung up. When he walked back into the ballroom, Mary was sitting at a table between Baker and Martha. Baker had his arm around her and was stroking the back of her neck.

Ryan charged over to the table. Find some other way to save Mary’s company? He said to Baker, striding up to him. That’s what you said, right? Baker smirked at Ryan.

Yeah, that’s what I said. Ryan extended his hand again. Baker stood up, looked at the hand, but again, he didn’t shake.

Ryan stared into Baker’s eyes, not blinking and not moving. Finally, Baker slowly reached up and took Ryan’s hand. Ryan squeezed so hard that sweat began to form on Baker’s brow.

All right, then, Ryan said. Consider her company saved, you smug son of a… Ryan! Mary yelled at him. Baker gritted his teeth under the strain of Ryan’s grip.

You really think you can help your wife find $10 million in profit in three days? Ryan squeezed harder and smiled. I know I can. Pushing through the pain, Baker met Ryan’s gaze and smiled back at him.

Okay, hero, you’re on.

Shadow Billionaire Episode 1 Casts

  • Ryan Quinn: The protagonist, estranged from his wealthy and mob-connected family. Married to Mary and determined to protect his wife’s family business, despite their disrespect for him. He rejects his father’s empire but agrees to access the family fortune under certain conditions.
  • Tom Harlan: A close associate of Ryan’s father, Declan Quinn. He is tasked with bringing Ryan back to take over the Quinn family empire. Acts as a mediator between Ryan and his father.
  • Mary: Ryan’s wife, who appears to be in a difficult situation regarding her family’s business. She seems uncomfortable but is stuck in a compromising position with Todd Baker, who holds financial leverage over her family’s company.
  • Martha: Ryan’s mother-in-law, who despises him. She wants Mary to leave Ryan and marry Todd Baker, whom she sees as more successful and beneficial to the family’s interests.
  • Todd Baker: A successful CEO of Barrington Enterprises and an old acquaintance of Mary. He is interested in Mary’s family business and appears to be using his power to manipulate both Mary and her family. He disrespects Ryan and tries to position himself as a better match for Mary.
  • Declan Quinn: Ryan’s father, the head of the Quinn empire, who has recently survived cancer and wants Ryan to return to take over the family business. His presence looms over the story, though he doesn’t directly appear in this episode.

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