Step into a world where humanity’s greatest technology has turned against them. In ‘Super Gene Ep 1: A Dangerous New World,’ mankind faces the ultimate challenge—survival. With all modern tools disabled, they must battle vicious beasts to unlock the secret to evolution and immortality. Follow Olsen Han as he fights his way through God’s Sanctuary, struggling to evolve in a realm where strength is everything, and survival is not guaranteed. Breathtaking battles, unexpected allies, and untold mysteries await in this thrilling episode that will leave you craving more.
Super Gene Ep 1
Sen waited in the brush as the Coppertooth Panther passed by. Close. Very close.
But it had to be. Sen only had a small alloy knife on him, not a sword or shield. He didn’t even have armor.
He was hunting on his own against formidable prey. The Coppertooth was easily larger than him, and its fangs were long and powerful. They would crush an alloy weapon like his knife if he let them get the chance.
But by then, it would already be too late. I need to put it down before it even knows I’m here. Sen tightened his grip on the knife.
The blade was already dull from the first and only other Coppertooth he had downed. Not good. I don’t have any fancy weapons or armor, or a hunting companion, like other 16-year-olds have.
I’ve only started in God’s Sanctuary, and I’m already behind. It doesn’t matter how dangerous this is. I need to take risks others won’t if I’m going to succeed.
He crept forward, following the Coppertooth’s path from a few yards away. He couldn’t let the beast leave his sight, even for a moment. Like Sen, the creature was more dangerous when hidden from its prey.
The difference was, the Coppertooth Panther was a deadly killer. Sen was just trying to survive. Up ahead, the Panther stretched out its long forelegs across the grassy clearing, its vicious claws glinting in the Sanctuary’s strange sunlight.
The creature’s tail twitched as he crept towards it, his eyes passed over the surrounding foliage. It seems like me and the Coppertooth are alone. There won’t be anyone around here to get in my way, and no one around to save me if I fail.
Sen took one last breath, pushing out every feeling but raw determination. Then I will not fail. In a breathless burst of speed, Sen rushed forward.
He brought the knife up, and it sailed in a swift arc toward the Coppertooth’s neck, the weakest point in its hide. If he missed his target by even an inch, he knew the creature’s needle-like fur would repel the blade like it was nothing. The beast’s eyes rolled back as it sensed the sudden danger, its body pulling into a defensive stance.
But it was too late. Sen’s speed was just enough to bring the knife to the creature’s throat, where it delivered a terrible slash. Sen could feel the creature’s armored hide give way to his blade just before he himself landed across the creature’s back.
The beast, weakened by the blow, collapsed under his crashing weight. Sen tightened his grip on the knife and attempted to drive it in deeper, but the creature’s flesh was too strong for the weak blade, and it was all Sen could do to keep the weapon lodged in his target’s neck. This thing isn’t going down without a fight.
I need to land another hit before it hits me. Sen jerked back as the creature rolled beneath him, and barely dodged just as a heavy paw raked the air inches in front of him. The beast roared and Sen cursed.
This is taking too long. If I don’t bring the beast down now, its cries might call others towards us, and there’s no way I can take on more than one without a proper weapon. Sen looked down at his knife and grit his teeth.
If I can kill a copper-toothed panther, though, then I might get its beast soul, and a new beast soul weapon would change everything. Sen pried the dagger from the creature’s throat, and the panther let out a guttural roar, its dark eyes betraying no pain, only anger. It snapped at him, and he lurched back again.
The two combatants stared at each other. Sen braced himself, holding his alloy knife steady. The panther is aware of me.
This fight is now on its turn. But it’s wounded. Badly, hopefully.
That might slow it down enough for me to land the killing blow. It better. The creature gnashed its teeth and lunged at him.
It moved at a tremendous speed, too fast for Sen, who had only just begun his journey in the sanctuary. But Sen had keen instincts, and as the beast pushed off the ground with its forepaws, Sen noticed a ripple of tension pass through the panther’s body. The wound.
It can’t fight as well with the wound. Sure enough, when the creature made its fatal leap, it was with half-strength, as the pain from the knife wound shot across its body. It was too slow.
And Sen reacted instantly, pushing off to the side and bringing his weapon around for a strike. He had studied these creatures and knew how they moved. Now it was paying off.
As the beast passed by him, he swung the dagger into its outstretched neck, using the creature’s own momentum as the driving force behind the knife’s vicious plunge. As the creature collapsed for a second time, Sen listened intently for that voice in his head, the voice that would declare him the winner of this battle. He had heard it before, when he had first entered God’s Sanctuary, and had spent his time killing the lowly beetles that infested the nearby valley.
But those beetles were near worthless, the prize for killing them hardly worth the effort. This kill was his entry to bigger, better things. He had the talent to hunt the more powerful prey than beetles in God’s Sanctuary.
The panther at his feet was a testament to that. But he needed a real weapon. So Sen twisted his blade and prayed he’d hear that miraculous voice, the voice that sounded whenever a person managed to slay a creature in God’s Sanctuary.
But instead of a voice, he heard a growl. He took a defensive stance and studied the copper-toothed panther. It’s managing to cling on to its life, probably wants to live long enough to take a chunk out of me.
But that sound didn’t come from this panther. Sen looked up, and that’s when he saw it. A second copper-tooth, lurking just beyond the clearing, padding towards him.
At that same moment, the panther at his feet began to stir. Sen’s heart leapt. The alloy knife just isn’t strong enough to take one of these down.
I need to go. Now. Without another thought, Sen turned and shot back out of the clearing.
Behind him, he could hear branches snapping underneath the second panther’s feet. It’s coming right at me. Sen knew the beast would be on him in moments.
He had to act fast. Like all creatures in God’s Sanctuary, these panthers were far stronger than their natural counterpart. They were fast, with hide-like armor and claws that could rip through ordinary metals.
They were designed to kill, and they were very good at it. Having been in God’s Sanctuary for only a week, and without any Geno points to his name, Sen was at a severe disadvantage. Luckily, Sen had one thing going for him.
He was smart. As he wound around one of the trees that surrounded the clearing, he stopped and steadied his breath as he heard the crash of the approaching predator. Before the creature had passed the tree, Sen already knew what to do.
He ducked down and delivered a low slash along the creature’s side. The beast slid across the ground with a roar, instinctively curling its body protectively around its wounded flank. For a moment, Sen paused in his escape.
Maybe now’s my chance. The thought tempted him awfully. I’ll take whatever risks I need in order to advance.
Nobody’s going to help me but me. But caution held him back. I can’t advance if I’m dead.
I’ll need better tools to reliably take on these foes. With frequent glances behind him, Sen darted off further from the clearing. Though he could see the second panther following him, the wound across its side kept it from reaching the speed necessary to catch up to its fleeing prey.
Gasping for breath, Sen managed to escape. Sen let out a long sigh, sliding onto the grass and allowing the knife to slip from his hand. I was so close.
That copper tooth was as good as mine. If only I had a better weapon. This stupid thing is only going to get me killed.
A laugh from nearby drew Sen’s attention to a small band of warriors crossing the field about 20 feet away. Did you see me, Waller? My sword split that tiger in two. Sen’s blood chilled as he heard the voice of hunters in the distance.
While the world was filled with dangerous beasts, often the most dangerous beasts in the land were other hunters. Compared to beasts, men were unpredictable in this lawless land. With no penalties for murder or theft, a lone hunter like Sen could be an easy target if someone wanted to try and rob him.
Knowing better than staying in the open, Sen slipped into the reeds and out of sight. Just as he was hidden, Sen could hear the voices of two men as they finished off their panther. Curious, Sen stepped closer and watched as one of the men reached out his hand.
A cloud of black smoke seemed to materialize from the air and shrink into the shape of a blade. Then in a blink, the shape shifted from murky black to a brilliant metallic shine. A beast soul sword.
The man swung the sword haphazardly, apparently mimicking the fight. Die, tiger, die! The second man, smaller and wielding an alloy bow and arrow, shook his head. Panther, you don’t even know the creature you killed.
Who cares? The first man grunted. You’re just jealous of my beast soul. Am not.
It’s not even sacred blood. Sacred blood beast souls are insanely rare. Don’t be so picky.
Even a primitive beast soul weapon would be better than nothing, Sen thought as he looked at the man’s sword with envy. If the man had an ordinary sword, Sen could easily take on the man. However, a beast soul weapon could turn things lethal.
Compared to a standard blade, even the weakest beast soul could dominate in a battle. If Sen were to try and fight them with his alloy blade, he’d easily be skewered by that weapon. Clutching his dagger, Sen waited for the voices to trail off.
They’re probably heading back to the steel armor shelter. I’m glad I didn’t reveal myself. If they saw me hunting that copper-toothed panther, I know they would have tried to steal my kill.
Sen pushed himself back upright and dusted himself off. There’s no use complaining. There’s work to be done.
So that next time, things go my way. He picked up his weapon. Though it wasn’t very helpful in bringing down the copper-tooth, he could still use it to hunt lowlier creatures.
And he was headed to face the lowliest of them all. Sen brought the knife down on the body of the black beetle, pinning it to the shallow riverbed. The creature squirmed, then lay still.
From within Sen’s mind, the voice sounded. Ordinary beetle killed. No beast soul gained.
If only I heard one of these when I attacked that copper-tooth. Sen pulled the knife from the creature and began to pry the soft flesh from its body. And then he began to eat.
The experience was not wholly unpleasant. Sen ate to survive and barely tasted the creature as he downed it. At the same time, he could feel the effect of eating the creature almost immediately.
His body filled with renewed warmth, despite the fact that his legs were soaked from kneeling in the river. As he swallowed, the voice reported in his mind. One ordinary genopoint gained.
The beetles may have been lowly, but they were still creatures of God’s sanctuary. Eating their flesh imbued Sen’s body with precious genopoints, which would forever alter his body. He was growing stronger by the second.
One ordinary genopoint gained. These beetles wouldn’t be enough. Sen knew that he’d need to hunt more powerful creatures, like the copper-toothed panthers, if he was to truly make progress.
They would give him even better genopoints, a reward befitting the challenge. Hours passed slowly in the river valley as Sen scraped together what genopoints he could. It was slow work, but Sen pushed through.
He was willing to do whatever it took. As he finished up his most recent meal, he lay back against a rock. He was totally full.
Though he had hunted for much of the day, the black beetles had only granted him… genopoints. He was ready to call it a day when a glint a few yards over caught his eye. A golden shine peeked out from some tall grass across the river.
I’m dead tired. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Sen turned and was about to leave the valley when a nagging thought stopped him.
He looked back and saw the same golden flash from the opposite shore. Sen narrowed his eyes. I’m not going to let exhaustion keep me from some loot.
I’ll take whatever advantage I can get. He willed his muscles forward as he waded through the water. As he splashed, whatever was in the grass shot forward.
A beetle, the same shape as the others, but somehow… golden? Sen cursed and sped up. I’ve never seen something like that before. There must be something special about that beetle.
Sen reached the other side and saw the beetle scurrying over the river rocks. Bringing his dagger up, Sen stilled his ragged breath. In one clean motion, he leapt forward like a copper-toothed panther, his blade extended outward.
Though the golden beetle tried to climb across the rocky riverbank, its legs slipped over the slippery stones. Sen hit his mark perfectly, bringing the knife down with pinpoint accuracy. He dripped, totally soaked, onto the shining golden creature as it lurched under his blade.
And then, at the exact moment it stopped moving, that voice rang out in his mind. Sacred blood beetle killed! Sacred blood beast soul gained! Sen’s world spun. That beetle had a sacred blood beast soul? A new tool to grow with, to help me become as powerful as possible.
And sacred blood means it’s top tier. Sen looked out beyond the valley, to the copper-toothed territory and further. All the power in God’s sanctuary was just waiting there for him to claim it.
Sen smiled. This changes everything.
BETTER VERSION: Super Gene Episode 1
Everything changed when mankind mastered teleportation. The technology hadn’t worked as intended. Instead of allowing humanity to beam across the stars, they found a new world, different from any they had seen before, and beyond their wildest imagination.
They called this world God’s Sanctuary, but it was far from a safe haven. There, all technology ceased to function, and humanity found itself stripped of the tools that had made it a galactic superpower. Left with nothing but their hands, the explorers that charted this bizarre realm could do nothing but cower from the horrific beasts that roamed and soared over the unfamiliar landscape.
No guns, no bombs, no missiles. Nuclear weapons would fail to detonate, and aircraft lay useless on the ground. Human beings, so used to standing atop the food chain of countless planets, suddenly found themselves near the bottom in this brutal new world.
But the human spirit is not so easily defeated. They relearned the old ways, knowledge from the depths of history, forging and fashioning handheld weapons for hunting and melee, and re-establishing schools to teach long-dead forms of hand-to-hand combat and martial arts. Blades and bows replaced guns and ships.
They hunted the creatures of God’s Sanctuary and made the miraculous discovery the flesh of their prey could increase their strength and evolve their bodies in ways their science could not explain. And with this evolution came an increase in lifespan. All of mankind reveled in the new potential of this wondrous power.
Extended life had long evaded science. It was truly beyond humanity’s wildest dreams. In the century that followed, more and more people entered this mystical realm.
And gradually, humanity became familiar with its rules. They became accustomed to hunting its creatures and seeing their weak human bodies evolve as they consumed them. The more they evolved, the longer their lives would become.
In theory, if a person could continue to evolve, they could live forever, if they could survive the hunts. Humanity instituted laws to govern access to God’s Sanctuary. You had to be at least 16 to enter.
But these laws did not extend into the wilds of the Sanctuary, where absolute freedom reigned. Within God’s Sanctuary, everything was legal. Theft, even murder, was fair game.
It was the Wild West, and in this new frontier, the weak perished and the strongest thrived. Through strength or guile, a person could transcend their original form and become something new, something better. It was this potential of strength through evolution that brought people to the Sanctuary.
People with dreams of growing powerful. People like Olsen Han, who at present was seated in the mud and muck alongside a trickling stream. He was soaking wet, covered in sludge, and he heaved deep, exhausted breaths.
In his left hand, he gripped tight a six-inch blade, covered in an inky ooze. He looked as if he had just survived the fight of his life and slain one of the Sanctuary’s most savage beasts. In his other hand sat a big, fat bug, a black beetle, one of the Sanctuary’s most pathetic creatures.
The beetles were, as far as Sen was aware, the weakest beings in the Sanctuary, and they were the only ones that he had the strength to slay, which meant he was likely the second weakest and most pathetic creature in God’s Sanctuary. At least, that’s what it felt like to him. He hacked away at the black beetle and muttered profanities at himself under his breath.
Truthfully, to hunt a black beetle was hardly a hunt at all. This valley was filled with them, if you knew where to look, and it was a low-level beast with little offensive capability. He stared at the beetle, which twitched uncomfortably under his dull knife before he brought it down a final time.
He repeated under his breath, this better be worth something, this better be worth something. Olsen, or just Sen, as his father liked to call him, removed the insect’s claws and pushed out of the tender white meat within. Without hesitating, he sucked the soft flesh from the severed claws, like eating a crab, and chewed.
He swallowed it down and stood there, as if waiting for something to happen. But whatever it was, it didn’t come. Annoyed, he continued to pull out the bitter flesh and chewed as fast as he could.
Beetle juice dripped from his chin, and finally, the beast stopped twitching. Suddenly, a voice sounded in his mind. Black beetle killed, no beast soul gained.
And when he swallowed, black beetle consumed, zero geno points gained. This was the voice that had appeared in his mind the moment he arrived in God’s sanctuary, the same voice everyone hears, or at least he hoped everyone else could hear it, and not that he was just hallucinating like a lunatic. The voice had excited him so much at first, but was now a constant reminder of his lowly status and losing struggle to improve.
Sen groaned loudly and slammed the beetle carcass down in frustration. Seriously? Nothing? After all that? In his mind, data appeared. Olsenhan! Unevolved.
Status? None. Lifespan? Two hundred years. Required for evolution? One hundred geno points.
Geno points total? Seventy-nine. Sen nearly shook in frustration. I’ve killed and eaten at least thirty of these disgusting things in a row, and I still haven’t received a single geno point.
He kicked the beetle into the stream and watched it float off. At this rate, I’ll never finish my first evolution. Geno points.
One of the two most miraculous discoveries in the sanctuary. It was these mysterious points that granted humanity increased lifespan, and they were the holy grail that attracted humanity into this dangerous world. The flesh of the creatures here was somehow imbued with them, and their potency reflected the power of the organism they came from.
Along with beast souls, they were the most important discovery humanity had made since interstellar space travel. But as Sen had learned when consuming his last thirty black beetle meals, the number of geno points one might receive after eating a beast’s flesh seemed to be completely random. Devour one beetle and gain two geno points.
Devour another and receive five, yet another might net you none at all. And a new detail now occurred to him. Oh God, if I eat too much of the same creature, I’ll get nothing.
I’m an idiot. He had thought himself clever, following the creek that led to this secluded valley. Nobody else hunted in this area, and Sen believed that he had found the perfect spot to gather resources.
The black beetles here were so weak that even Sen would be able to kill them. After all, he only had a dull knife. Things would be different if he was in possession of a beast soul, but these were beyond his reach.
When someone killed a creature in the sanctuary, there was a chance that they would receive a beast soul, which would be unique to that kind of creature. There were many types of beast souls, but each reflected their source. They would allow their owner to summon a physical manifestation of the creature’s power, an invaluable boon.
Some would conjure a weapon such as a sword or arrow or durable armor. Some could even give humans the ability to transform their own bodies for a limited time, granting them increased strength, speed, or even flight. Needless to say, beast souls were incredibly important tools for those who sought to advance in God’s sanctuary.
But it was becoming clear that a creature as lowly as the black beetle wasn’t going to drop a beast soul when defeated, which put Sen in a difficult position. He was from a poor family. In the outside world, that meant that they struggled to put food on the table.
In God’s sanctuary, the effects of poverty were magnified. Adventurers could use their wealth to purchase beast souls as soon as they passed through the teleporter. This is to say nothing of the martial arts, combat, and hunting training wealthy parents would purchase for their kids, which would give them a massive head start.
The extent of Sen’s combat training came from insufficient lessons he received in his standard public integrated compulsory education, which is where you ended up when you couldn’t pay for a private program. And purchasing even a modest beast soul was miles out of Sen’s reach. Without the means for proper martial training, beast souls, or even common man-made alloy weapons, Sen struggled through this low-level hunting with nothing but his shoddy blade and sheer force of will.
But his knife was already dulling, and despite himself, his will was starting to wane. He had tried to hunt bigger game, attempting to take down a copper-toothed panther. Even though the copper-tooth was the weakest of the primitive level creatures, it was still far too strong for him.
The attempt nearly cost him his life, and he was forced to return home and heal for a month before he had enough strength to return. He still hadn’t gotten rid of his slight limp. However, Sen was used to working with scant resources.
Growing up in poverty on the planet Roka, he was no stranger to watching the wealthy flaunt their means and squander opportunities Sen could hardly dream of having himself. He learned from an early age that wealthy parents could buy you power, but they could not buy you the strength of character or intelligence to use it effectively or wisely. No way! I’m not going to give up that easy! Shaking off his frustration, he stood and spotted the gleaming carcass of his latest kill, bobbing in the water a few yards away.
He ran and caught up to it, wading into the stream to catch the carcass and finish his meal. As he did, he noticed a flash of copper in the bushes at the far end of the stream. A copper-toothed panther? Here? His heart began to pound, and he strengthened his grip on his knife.
If I catch it off guard while it’s drinking, there’s a chance I can kill it. But if not… No. He pushed the thought from his mind.
He began to creep towards the bushes, hoping the sound of the moving water would mask the sound of his steps. He approached the bushes and raised the old knife above his head. But before he could attack, another glint caught his eye.
Several paces downstream. Oh no! Another copper-toothed panther! I’m standing in between two beasts that could take my head clean off! Sen squinted and looked directly at the glinting light. It was different.
Not copper. More of a golden hue. The bushes behind him shook, and when he turned back around, the copper-toothed panther was actually walking away.
So much for a surprise attack and a boatload of Geno points. Typical. He looked back at the golden light and finally saw what was causing the bright reflection.
It was a beetle, crawling out of the creek. But this one was different from the others. It wasn’t smooth and jet black.
This one shone a brilliant gold. Its body was larger, as big as Sen’s head, and its eyes were eerily crystal clear, like gems. It looks more like a statue than a living thing.
In his many months in God’s sanctuary, Sen had killed countless black beetles, and thought he knew everything about them. Their vision was poor, and their hearing was very sensitive. If this golden one was similar to the normal black variants, it wouldn’t notice him if he stood very still.
As he stared at the strange beetle, it did something he didn’t expect. It began to crawl towards him, almost like it was curious about him, too. Sen held his breath and his knife, ready to strike.
When it was in range, he leapt into action. He dove at the creature with a precision honed by countless beetle hunts, and landed on the insect, using his left hand to flip the now thrashing bug, while preparing to strike with a knife in his right. He got the beetle on its back, and plunged the knife into its exposed golden belly, the white spot in between its plates where its armor was weakest.
The beetle only struggled for a moment, before Sen gave his knife a practiced twist, and ended the creature’s life. When its legs stopped twitching, the voice in Sen’s mind sounded, but this time, the words were different. SACRED BLOOD BEETLE KILLED! SACRED BLOOD BEAST SOUL GAINED! What? Sen was stunned.
Had he really just heard that? A sacred blood beetle with a sacred blood beast soul? Was that even possible? His pulse spiked as he realized that, after all this time, he finally caught a lucky break, and he suddenly became aware of his heartbeat. It pounded, like it was about to burst, and in that instant, everything went black. Sen passed out.
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